SIGCSE TS 2023 (series) / Austin Cory Bart

Registered user since Wed 17 Sep 2014
Name:Austin Cory Bart
My name is Austin Cory Bart, and I’m an Assistant Professor at the University of Delaware. In spring 2017, I received my PhD in Computer Science with a Learning Sciences certification from Virginia Tech.
Here are some of my projects:
- CORGIS project: A collection of Really Great and Interesting Datasets
- BlockPy: A Dual Block/Text Python Coding Environment
- Pedal: A Python Feedback Toolset
- CT@VT: An introductory Computational Thinking curriculum for non-STEM majors with Data Science.
- PythonSneks: An open-source introductory Python curriculum for non-CS majors.
- Curriculum Materials Packaging: A CSSPLICE-funded working group to standardize curriculum material packaging.
Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Delaware, USA
Personal website:
Research interests:Computer Science Education, Program Analysis, Learning Science
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