Registered user since Sun 9 Oct 2022
Hi I am Brad Miller, I was a professor in the Computer Science department at Luther College from 2003 - 2018. Now I am president and lead developer for Runestone Academy, a non-profit company that I founded. The mission of Runestone is to “democratize textbooks for the 21st century”. To accomplish that mission we make high quality interactive textbooks available for free to all students. In the 21st century it is silly to think of textbooks as static, so we make great interactive textbooks that actively engage students in learning. It would also be silly to ignore the rich data that an online textbook can provide to students, teachers, authors and researchers. To support these different stakeholders we have created a Learning Engineering and Analytics Portal (LEAP). Please check out our website to learn more about what that means and how we help students, teachers, authors, and researchers.
I publish my personal blog on A Reputable Journal where I write about biking, travel, cooking, drinking wine, and miscellaneous hacking things.
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