SIGCSE TS 2023 (series) / David J. Malan

Registered user since Sat 8 Oct 2022
Name:David J. Malan
David J. Malan is Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science at Harvard University in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences as well as a Member of the Faculty of Education in the Graduate School of Education and an Executive Fellow at Harvard Business School. He teaches Computer Science 50, otherwise known as CS50, which is among Harvard University’s largest courses, one of Yale University’s largest courses, and edX’s largest MOOC, with over 4M registrants. He also teaches at Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School, Harvard Extension School, and Harvard Summer School. All of his courses are freely available as OpenCourseWare.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Harvard University
Personal website:
X (Twitter):
Research interests:Cybersecurity, digital forensics, botnets, computer science education, distance learning, collaborative learning, computer-assisted instruction
- Distributing, Collecting, and Autograding Assignments with GitHub Classroom
- It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time (“Let Me Help You with That” Edition)
- Providing Students with Standardized, Cloud-Based Programming Environments at Term's Start (for Free)
- Computer Science with Theatricality: Creating Memorable Moments in CS50 with the American Repertory Theater during COVID-19
- Differentiating for Comfort with Computer Science: More Challenge, More Support
- Birds of a Feather Who'd Like to Share Software Together: Teaching Tools that Improve Efficiency and Outcomes
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