Registered user since Sun 9 Oct 2022
Edwin Ambrosio (Ed.D. St. Thomas University, Miami, FL, 2022, MS USC 2005, BS UCLA 2001) is a Professor of Computer Science and College Curriculum Committee chair at El Camino College, and an adjunct instructor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), St. Thomas University, Miami, FL, Santa Monica College, and Citrus College. He teaches classes in C++, data structures, Java, Android, Python, UNIX, assembly language, web programming, and advanced programming. In 2019, he was the principal investigator for the El Camino College team that won the inaugural NASA Minority University Research and Education Program (MUREP) Innovation & Tech Transfer Idea Competition (MITTIC), which explored the commercial uses of Portable Wireless Signal Booster (PWSB). In 2021, he was the principal investigator for the El Camino College team that was a finalist for MITTIC, which explored the commercial uses of the Precision Low Speed Motor Controller (PLSMC). He received the Professor of the Year Award from the Santa Monica College chapter of Alpha Gamma Society (AGS) in 2018. Prior to teaching, he was a software engineer for 15+ years, working at companies such as Raytheon, Industrial Electronic Engineers, and Thales Avionics.
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