Registered user since Thu 17 Nov 2022
Hello there! My name is Alexandra Thompson (she/her pronouns) and I am currently thrilled to be a first-year Ph.D. student studying Computer Science Education topics, under Dr. Sara Hooshangi. I completed my Honours Bachelors in Computer Science (HBSc) at the University of Toronto Mississauga in Spring 2022. This will be my second attendance at SIGCSE and my first attendance in-person. I previously authored a poster in SIGCSE 2021, titled Exploring How Students Use an Online Learning Environment under Andrew Petersen.
My poster publication for SIGCSE 2023 is on socioeconomic factors and how they affect a student’s CS1 performance. Specifically, I investigate how the socioeconomic deprivation of a student’s high school region affect the student’s performance in CS1 at Virginia Tech using six years of student summary data.
I am extremely excited to talk more about this at SIGCSE and look forward to attending many talks/events. If you have any further inquires, feel free to reach out to me at alexthompson06@vt.edu.
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