Registered user since Wed 15 Feb 2023
Dr. Joseph (“Joey”) P. Wilson is currently a Principal Consultant and Director of CS@AIR, the Center for Evolving Computer Science Education at the American Institutes for Research. Joey uses his engineering, teaching, and research experience for social good; co-creates solutions with rigor and evidence from diverse sources and viewpoints; communicates in a nuanced and succinct way; and is an expert collaborator with a variety of stakeholders. He has extensive experience with business development, raising nearly $13M in federal and state grants with a 48% win rate in the last 4 years; managing, coaching, and leading more than 23 staff members; building community and cultivating strategic partnerships through the CS@AIR (housing 22 state and federally-funded CS education projects and partnerships); and leading day-to-day operations, including heading Teach For America’s STEM Initiative (reaching 3500+ STEM teachers across 53 communities in 37 states and DC) and Tata Consultancy Service’s goIT Computer Science education outreach program (reaching 4400 students and engaging 1000 corporate volunteers across 45 cities in North America).
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