Registered user since Tue 15 Nov 2022
Jobair Hossain currently pursuing an MS degree in Software Engineering and working as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) under the supervision of professors Hossain Shahriar and Maria Valero at Kennesaw State University. He also worked as an R&D Software Engineering Intern at Material Handelings System Inc. Prior to joining KSU, he also has working experience with the United Nations Secretariat, New York. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia.
Jobair’s general research interests focus on the field of software engineering, and emphasis has spanned the areas of blockchain, machine learning, IoT, health informatics, software, and cyber security. In the past three years, he has published his research works at various IEEE/ACM conferences including SERA, COMPSAC, BigData, ICDH, and ICHI. He won the prestigious NSF Travel Grant Award at IEEE Big Data 2021, NSF Student Travel Award for IEEE CHASE 2022, Special Paper Award at IEEE ICDH 2021, and Best Paper Award at IEEE ICHI 2022 conferences.
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