SIGCSE TS 2023 (series) / Steven Huss-Lederman

Registered user since Mon 10 Oct 2022
Name:Steven Huss-Lederman
I am the project maintainer of the Open Energy Dashboard (OED), an education-oriented open source software project, that provides a web-based application to acquire, archive, analyze and visual resource usage at an organization. In this role, I provide direction for the project, interface with the user community, work with colleges/universities to engage with OED and mentor student developers. Previously, I was a professor of computer science for nineteen years and chair of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Beloit College. I received a BA from the University of Maryland and a PhD from Caltech.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Open Energy Dashboard
Personal website:
Research interests:HFOSS, education-oriented OSS
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