Registered user since Tue 29 Nov 2022
Dr. Tracy Camp is the CRA Executive Director. Camp joins CRA from Colorado School of Mines, where she was a member of the faculty since 1998, and department head of Computer Science at Mines since 2016. Camp’s research interests are in wireless networking. She is most known for improving the credibility of wireless networking simulation studies. More than 4,000 researchers in 88 countries/regions have downloaded at least one of the 12 software packages developed by her research group (as of June 2021) and her research articles have been cited 14,794 times (per Google Scholar, as of June 2021).
Camp has received over 20 grants from the National Science Foundation, including a prestigious CAREER award. In total, her projects have received over $25 million dollars in external funding.
Dr. Camp is both an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. She was a Fulbright Scholar in New Zealand in 2006, a Distinguished Visitor at the University of Bonn, Germany, in 2010, and an ACM Distinguished Speaker from 2006 to 2015. She earned her B.A. in mathematics at Kalamazoo College, M.S. in computer science from Michigan State University, and Ph.D. in computer science from the College of William and Mary.
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