SIGCSE TS 2023 (series) / Wendy Dubow

Registered user since Sun 25 Dec 2022
Name:Wendy Dubow
Wendy DuBow is the director of evaluation and a senior research scientist at the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) and affiliate faculty member in Women and Gender Studies at the University of Colorado. She conducts mixed methods social science research and evaluates the effectiveness of the NCWIT’s programs and resources. With colleagues at NCWIT, she recently completed a self-paced course for college and university faculty and administrators on research-based ways to recruit and retain women in computing, including how to evaluate these efforts.
Country:United States
Personal website:
Research interests:gender, diversity, qualitative methods
- Departmental BPC Plans 2 – Finalizing your Plan: Context, Style, Formatting, and Verification on
- Departmental BPC Plans 1 – Getting Started: Selecting Goals and Activities for Broadening Participation in Computing
- Challenges and Successes in Writing BPC Plans for NSF Proposals: A Panel of Peers Discuss Their Approaches
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