Registered user since Fri 27 Jan 2023
Technological innovations and unprecedented challenges like global pandemic are dramatically changing the way people work. In the face of increasing automation and artificial intelligence in workplace and in society, we need to rethink the role of people and their relationships to technology. As an HCI researcher, I am passionate about investigating how to augment and enhance people’ performance in human-centered and creative tasks with which automation typically falls short, as “from automation to augmentation”. To be more specific, I build AI-powered systems to help people grapple with creative knowledge tasks.
Previously I have worked as a research intern at Dataminr Inc, reporting to Dr. Alex Jaimes (SVP and Chief Scientist); and as a researcher in the UCSD Design Lab, working with Prof. Steven Dow and Dr. Stephen MacNeil (now Prof. MacNeil). I also worked with Prof. Xiaojuan Ma at HKUST and Prof. Helen Meng at CUHK. My research led to publications accepted to top-tier HCI conferences including CHI, CSCW, UIST, as well as other venues with more specific focus such as CHIIR and C&C. My research has been supported by NSF, Office of Naval Research and Hong Kong UGC Theme-based Research Scheme.
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