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Video Clarifications and FAQWed 11 Jan 2023

Since the videos are relatively new to our community and this is only our second hybrid conference, we thought we would answer some frequently asked questions (FAQ) to provide more transparency. As more questions come up, we will update this blog post.

Are there two videos?

There are two videos in the sense that a video representing your work can/will be hosted in two places. We will host your video on the symposium platform (WebEx Events, formerly Socio). Hosting a video on the platform is required for papers, posters, demos, and lightning talks.

The ACM Digital Library is an additional place to host a permanent video representing your work. This is optional. It is your choice as the author(s) whether you wish your video to be archived in the ACM DL rather than simply be available through the symposium platform. The copyright terms of the video uploaded to ACM will depend on which license you chose for your submission when completing the rights review paperwork.

Do the two videos have to be different?

Not at all. They can be the same video. It is entirely up to you. It is not really two videos but two places a video representing your work is hosted.

What is the video for?

The reason we are requiring hosting a video representing your work on the WebEx Events platform is primarily for all of the online symposium attendees. If you are presenting in person, online attendees cannot see your presentation. If you are presenting online, the video is considered your presentation, and you attend an Authors’ Corner session for your Q&A. Moreover, all videos are accessible to all attendees. So an in-person attendee also benefits from a video since they can watch it in place of a talk that they may miss for whatever reason.

This is especially helpful to all attendees that have accessibility needs. Please see the blog post on video creation best practices to support our mission to improve the universal design of the symposium.

What about hybrid rooms? If I were in a hybrid room, I wouldn’t have to make a video because everyone could see my presentation.

The symposium has limited hybrid rooms due to their cost. Therefore, we limited hybrid rooms to presentations that would most benefit from such rooms, which include plenaries, keynotes, panels, and special sessions. Those sessions are not required to provide a video.

Can I post my video to the general public?

This is dependent on if you chose to have ACM archive your video and the copyright that is applied. If you choose not to give your video to ACM or your copyright allows, you are welcome to post your video publicly. Hosting your video on the WebEx Events symposium platform does not imply a transfer of copyright for the video.

Why is the video due in January, but the symposium is in March?

Just like how papers go through a production pipeline, so do videos. In our case, all videos are captioned for accessibility. This requires running them through auto-captioning, asking authors to confirm/fix those captions, and then burning them into the video, so it is a single file. Then all videos are quality checked and uploaded to the platform.