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Fri 17 Mar 2023 16:35 - 17:00 at 713 - Technology-Enabled Instruction Chair(s): Barbara Ericson

The lack of large and diverse datasets of student code samples limits some forms of computer science education research. To address this problem, we created FalconCode, a novel collection of over 1.5 million Python programs from over two thousand undergraduate students at [Institution Redacted]. FalconCode captures over five semesters worth of code samples from our introduction to computing course, which is taken by every student regardless of their academic major. The dataset contains student code submissions for over 800 programming assignments, as well as additional metadata such as the prompt for each assignment, the testcase(s) used to evaluate student submissions, and the specific skills needed to solve each problem. In this paper, we describe the methodology used to create FalconCode and the steps taken to protect students’ personally identifiable information (PII). We then describe FalconCode’s data schema, and show how it can support a wide range of research—including those utilizing machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). FalconCode is provided free-of-charge, and is available upon request.

Fri 17 Mar

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15:45 - 17:00
Technology-Enabled InstructionPapers at 713
Chair(s): Barbara Ericson University of Michigan
Discovering, Autogenerating, and Evaluating Distractors for Python Parsons Problems in CS1In-Person
David H. Smith IV University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Experiences from Using Code Explanations Generated by Large Language Models in a Web Software Development E-BookIn-PersonGlobal
Stephen MacNeil Temple University, Andrew Tran Temple University, Arto Hellas Aalto University, Joanne Kim Temple University, Sami Sarsa Aalto University, Paul Denny The University of Auckland, Seth Bernstein Temple University, Juho Leinonen The University of Auckland
FalconCode: A Multiyear Dataset of Python Code Samples from an Introductory Computer Science CourseIn-Person
Adrian de Freitas USAF Academy, Joel Coffman United States Air Force Academy, Michelle de Freitas Academy School District 20, Justin Wilson USAF Academy, Troy Weingart United Stated Air Force Academy Dept of Computer Science