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Fri 17 Mar 2023 13:45 - 14:10 at 713 - Assessing and Predicting Student Performance Chair(s): Rafa Absar

Instructors and students alike are often focused on the grade in programming assignments as a key measure of how well a student is mastering the material and whether a student is struggling. This can be, however, misleading. Especially when students have access to auto-graders, their grade may be heavily skewed. In this paper, we analyze student assignment submission data collected from a functional programming course taught at X university incorporating a wide range of features. In addition to the grade, we consider activity time data, time spent, and the number of static errors. This allows us to identify four clusters of students: “Quick learning”, “Hardworking”, “Satisficing”, and “Struggling” through cluster algorithms. We then analyze how work habits, working duration, the range of errors, and the ability to fix errors impacts different clusters of students. This structured analysis provides valuable insights for instructors to actively help different types of students and emphasize different aspects in their overall course design. It also provides insights for students themselves to understand which aspects they still struggle with and allows them to seek clarifications and adjust their work habits.

Fri 17 Mar

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13:45 - 15:00
Assessing and Predicting Student PerformancePapers at 713
Chair(s): Rafa Absar Metro State University
Identifying different student clusters in functional programming assignments: From quick learners to struggling studentsIn-PersonGlobal
Chuqin Geng McGill University, Wenwen Xu McGill University, Yingjie Xu McGill University, Brigitte Pientka McGill University, Xujie Si McGill University, Canada
Investigating the Effects of Testing Frequency on Programming Performance and Students' BehaviorIn-Person
David H. Smith IV University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Chinny Emeka University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Max Fowler University of Illinois, Matthew West University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ultra-Lightweight Early Prediction of At-Risk Students in CS1In-Person
Chelsea Gordon Zybooks, Stanley Zhao University of California, Riverside, Frank Vahid UC Riverside / zyBooks