SIGCSE TS 2023 (series) / Posters / AAnim: an Animation Engine for Visualizing Algorithms and Data Structures for Educators
AAnim: an Animation Engine for Visualizing Algorithms and Data Structures for EducatorsK12In-Person
Sat 18 Mar 2023 08:30 - 10:30 at Exhibit Hall G - In Person Posters 3 Chair(s): Meghan Allen, Jennifer Campbell
Video streaming platforms are a major source of information for computer science students, where data structures and algorithms can be illustrated by means of animation. Our Python library, AAnim, aids a content creator in making such videos without any special expertise. Given a list of data structure queries or an input graph, our library creates a high-quality video that illustrates both how the data structure evolves and how these changes happen in the algorithm’s pseudocode. The data structure’s layout is generated automatically, further alleviating the difficulty in creating such videos. Example animations are available at
Sat 18 MarDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
Sat 18 Mar
Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change