Utilizing Professional Development to Improve Student Career Outcomes in Computer Science and Software EngineeringIn-Person
This project has two objectives: (1) collect 100% detailed first destination data from all students graduating from the CSSE department (between the summer 2020 and spring 2021 semesters, only 83% of students completed the First Destination Survey), and (2) enhance first career outcomes for women and African-American graduates (of those who completed the survey, 39% of women and 69% of African Americans responded with “still seeking employment/continuous education”). Accomplishing a higher response rate and drilling down into the data to better understand why women and minorities are still seeking opportunities at graduation time will allow for more strategic and effective interventions to improve CSSE student career outcomes. These two objectives will be met through a professional development sequence, a program assessment course, and the creation of a professional mentoring program for seniors with working professionals and a peer mentoring program for sophomores mentored by juniors. The professional development sequence includes topics such as effective resumes and cover letters, professional communication, interviewing, networking, and continuing education. The two courses will include additional data collection to better understand and track first destination success for women, first generation students, low SES (e.g. Pell grant) students, and African-American students as well as to assess the success of these interventions in enhancing first destination success for all CSSE students.