SIGCSE TS 2023 Program
Wed 15 MarDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
08:30 - 17:00 | Eighth SPLICE Workshop on Technology and Data Infrastructure for CS Education ResearchAffiliated Events at 701B Chair(s): Tiffany Barnes North Carolina State University, Peter Brusilovsky University of Pittsburgh, Ken Koedinger Carnegie Mellon University, Thomas Price North Carolina State University, Cliff Shaffer Virginia Tech | ||
08:30 8h30mOther | Eighth SPLICE Workshop on Technology and Data Infrastructure for CS Education ResearchIn-Person Affiliated Events Tiffany Barnes North Carolina State University, Peter Brusilovsky University of Pittsburgh, Thomas Price North Carolina State University, Cliff Shaffer Virginia Tech, Ken Koedinger Carnegie Mellon University |
08:30 - 15:45 | Professional Development Pre-Symposium Event for Teaching-Track FacultyAffiliated Events at 718A Chair(s): Geoffrey Herman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Logan Paul Indiana University Bloomington, Borja Sotomayor University of Chicago, Jeffrey Turkstra Purdue University, Joshua Weese Kansas State University, Lisa Yan University of California, Berkeley Event URL: | ||
08:30 7h15mOther | Professional Development Pre-Symposium Event for Teaching-Track FacultyIn-Person Affiliated Events Geoffrey Herman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Logan Paul Indiana University Bloomington, Jeffrey Turkstra Purdue University, Borja Sotomayor University of Chicago, Lisa Yan University of California, Berkeley, Joshua Weese Kansas State University |
08:30 - 16:30 | HFOSS EducationAffiliated Events at 718B Chair(s): Grant Braught Dickinson College, Darci Burdge Nassau Community College, Heidi J.C. Ellis Western New England University, Springfield, MA, USA, Gregory W. Hislop Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Herman Jackson Western New England University, Cam Macdonell MacEwan University, Lori Postner Nassau Community College, Wes Turner Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Karl Wurst Worcester State University Event URL: | ||
08:30 8hMeeting | HFOSS EducationIn-Person Affiliated Events Grant Braught Dickinson College, Darci Burdge Nassau Community College, Heidi J.C. Ellis Western New England University, Springfield, MA, USA, Gregory W. Hislop Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Lori Postner Nassau Community College, Wes Turner Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Cam Macdonell MacEwan University, Karl Wurst Worcester State University, Herman Jackson Western New England University |
08:30 - 17:00 | |||
08:30 8h30mOther | SIGCSE Department Chairs RoundtableIn-Person Affiliated Events |
09:00 - 17:00 | Innovations and Opportunities in Liberal Arts Computing EducationAffiliated Events at 701A Chair(s): Jakob Barnard University of Jamestown, Grant Braught Dickinson College, Janet Davis Whitman College, Amanda Holland-Minkley Washington & Jefferson College, Mario Nakazawa Berea College, Andrea Tartaro Furman University, Jim Teresco Siena College | ||
09:00 8hOther | Innovations and Opportunities in Liberal Arts Computing EducationIn-Person Affiliated Events Jakob Barnard University of Jamestown, Grant Braught Dickinson College, Janet Davis Whitman College, Amanda Holland-Minkley Washington & Jefferson College, Mario Nakazawa Berea College, Andrea Tartaro Furman University, Jim Teresco Siena College |
09:00 - 16:30 | |||
09:00 - 16:00 | Accessibility and Disability in CS EducationAffiliated Events at 716 Chair(s): Brianna Blaser University of Washington, Stacy Branham University of California, Irvine, Sheryl Burgstahler University of Washington, Amy Ko University of Washington, Raja Kushalnagar Gallaudet University, Richard Ladner University of Washington, Elaine Short Tufts University | ||
09:00 7hOther | Accessibility and Disability in CS EducationGlobalCCIn-Person Affiliated Events Brianna Blaser University of Washington, Sheryl Burgstahler University of Washington, Amy Ko University of Washington, Richard Ladner University of Washington, Stacy Branham University of California, Irvine, Raja Kushalnagar Gallaudet University, Elaine Short Tufts University |
12:00 - 21:00 | |||
13:00 - 17:45 | Collaboratively Developing Dynamic and Interactive Materials for Dive into SystemsAffiliated Events at 713 Chair(s): Suzanne Matthews United States Military Academy, Tia Newhall Swarthmore College, Kevin Webb Swarthmore College Event URL: | ||
13:00 4h45mOther | Collaboratively Developing Dynamic and Interactive Materials for Dive into SystemsIn-Person Affiliated Events Suzanne Matthews United States Military Academy, Tia Newhall Swarthmore College, Kevin Webb Swarthmore College |
13:00 - 17:00 | Computing for Social Good Mentor and Mentee TrainingAffiliated Events at 714 Chair(s): Johanna Blumenthal Regis University, Rick Blumenthal Regis University, Mikey Goldweber Xavier University, Lisa Kaczmarczyk Event URL: | ||
13:00 4hOther | Computing for Social Good Mentor and Mentee TrainingIn-Person Affiliated Events Johanna Blumenthal Regis University, Rick Blumenthal Regis University, Mikey Goldweber Xavier University, Lisa Kaczmarczyk |
13:00 - 15:00 | How Much (and What) Security Should be Required for Computer Science Undergrads?Affiliated Events at Online A Chair(s): Rajendra K. Raj Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Event URL: | ||
13:00 2hOther | How Much (and What) Security Should be Required for Computer Science Undergrads?OnlineCC Affiliated Events Rajendra K. Raj Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Transform Your Computer Science Course with Specifications GradingIn-Person Workshops David Largent Ball State University, Christian Roberson Florida Southern College, Carlo Sgro Conestoga College, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones University of North Carolina Charlotte, Linda Wilson Texas Lutheran University DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Using Physical Models of Java to Make Abstract Concepts ConcreteIn-Person Workshops Colleen M. Lewis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Max Fowler University of Illinois, Kathleen Isenegger University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Vidushi Ojha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Christopher Perdriau University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mariam Saffar Perez University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI |
19:00 - 23:00 | |||
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Creating and Modifying Existing Surveys to Fit Your CS Education Research NeedsIn-Person Workshops Ryan Torbey American Institutes for Research, Monica McGill, Lisa Garbrecht University of Texas at Austin, Texas Advanced Computing Center DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Actually Achieving "A's for All" (As Time and Interest Allow)In-Person Workshops Dan Garcia UC Berkeley, Connor McMahon University of California Berkeley, Yuan Garcia Mills High School, Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Matthew West University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Mariana Silva University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Solomon Russell El Camino College, Edwin Ambrosio El Camino College, Neal Terrell CSU Long Beach DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Providing Students with Standardized, Cloud-Based Programming Environments at Term's Start (for Free)In-Person Workshops David J. Malan Harvard University, Jonathan Carter GitHub, Rongxin Liu Harvard University, Carter Zenke Harvard University DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Using Subgoal Labeling in Teaching CS1 (now in Python!)In-Person Workshops Adrienne Decker University at Buffalo, Briana B. Morrison University of Virginia, Austin Cory Bart University of Delaware, USA DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Machine Learning on the Move: Teaching ML Kit for Firebase in a Mobile Apps CourseIn-Person Workshops DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Java: What's new and how might it change our teaching?CCIn-Person Workshops Michael Kölling King's College London, Pierre Weill-Tessier King's College London, Neil Brown King's College London DOI |
Thu 16 MarDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
07:30 - 20:00 | |||
08:15 - 09:45 | |||
08:15 30mDay opening | Welcome RemarksHybrid Logistics | ||
08:45 60mKeynote | Dr. Robert ThirskHybrid Keynotes |
10:00 - 19:00 | SIGCSE Board Office HoursLogistics at 704 Members of the SIGCSE Board will be available to discuss issues with any member of the SIGCSE community. This is a drop-in time where community members are encouraged to come and bring issues facing the SIGCSE community directly to the board. Note that the board office hours are closed during lunch time. | ||
10:00 - 17:00 | |||
10:45 - 12:00 | Forming and Evaluating Student GroupsPapers at 701A Chair(s): Zachary Butler Rochester Institute of Technology | ||
10:45 25mPaper | Evaluating Group Work in (too) Large CS Classes with (too) Few Resources: An Experience ReportIn-Person Papers Joël Porquet-Lupine University of California, Davis, Madison Brigham University of California, Davis DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Inclusive study group formation at scaleMSIIn-Person Papers Sumer Kohli UC Berkeley, Neelesh Ramachandran UC Berkeley, Ana Tudor UC Berkeley, Gloria Tumushabe UC Berkeley, Olivia Hsu Stanford University, Gireeja Ranade UC Berkeley DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Student Perspectives on Optional GroupsIn-PersonGlobal Papers Jonathan Calver University of Toronto, Jennifer Campbell University of Toronto, Michelle Craig University of Toronto DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | CS0/CS1 Skills, Confidence, and LanguagesPapers at 701B Chair(s): Ildar Akhmetov University of Alberta | ||
10:45 25mPaper | CS0 vs. CS1: Understanding Fears and Confidence amongst Non-majors in Introductory CS CoursesCCIn-Person Papers Emma Hogan University of California, San Diego, Ruoxuan Li University of California, San Diego, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj University of California, San Diego DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Visual vs. Textual Programming Languages in CS0.5: Comparing Student Learning with and Student Perception of RAPTOR and PythonCCIn-Person Papers Joel Coffman United States Air Force Academy, Adrian de Freitas USAF Academy, Justin Hill United States Air Force Academy, Troy Weingart United Stated Air Force Academy Dept of Computer Science DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Validation of the Placement Skill Inventory: A CS0/CS1 Placement ExamCCIn-Person Papers DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mOther | In a Swiftly Changing Higher Education World, How Do We Nurture Multiple Paths for Equitable Post-Secondary CS Education?MSI Supporter Sessions Kamau Bobb Google, Anu Bourgeois Georgia State University, Patricia Morreale Kean University, Pam Schmelz Ivy Tech Community College |
10:45 - 12:00 | SIGCSE Board Online Office HoursLogistics / Demos / Keynotes at 704 Members of the SIGCSE Board will be available to discuss issues with any member of the SIGCSE community. This is a drop-in time where community members are encouraged to come and bring issues facing the SIGCSE community directly to the board. | ||
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 25mPaper | Analyzing the effects of CTE grant funding on CS course offerings and enrollment in CaliforniaK12In-Person Papers Mariam Saffar Perez University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Paul Bruno University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | The Brazilian School Computing StandardK12In-PersonGlobal Papers Leila Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Luciana Foss Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Simone André Da Costa Cavalheiro Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Marcia Cruz UNISC, Rozelma França Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE) DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Toward a New State-level Framework for Sharing Computer Science ContentK12In-Person Papers Bob Edmison Virginia Tech, Stephen Edwards Virginia Tech, Lujean Babb Virginia Tech, Margaret Ellis Virginia Tech, Chris Mayfield James Madison University, Youna Jung Virginia Military Institute, Marthe Honts Virginia Military Institute DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 25mPaper | CS-JEDI: Required DEI Education, by CS PhD Students, for CS PhD StudentsMSIIn-Person Papers Bailey Flanigan Carnegie Mellon University, Ananya Joshi Carnegie Mellon University, Sara McAllister Carnegie Mellon University, Catalina Vajiac Carnegie Mellon University DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Equitable student persistence in computing research through distributed career mentorshipMSIIn-Person Papers DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Growing an Inclusive Community of K-12 CS Education ResearchersK12MSIIn-Person Papers DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mPanel | Advice for Building Recruiting Pipelines from High School to College: BridgeUP STEM ProgramHybrid Panels Michael J. Johnson Georgia Institute of Technology, Betsy Disalvo Georgia Institute of Technology, Ashmitha Julius Aravind Georgia Institute of Technology, Cedric Stallworth Georgia Institute of Technology, Christopher Lynnly Hovey NCWIT | University of Colorado Boulder, Matt Muchna National Center for Women & Information Technology, Sherri Sanders NCWIT | University of Colorado Boulder DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mPanel | Diversifying Pathways to the Computing Professoriate: A Deeper Look into Institutional Practices that Broaden ParticipationHybrid Panels Annie Wofford Florida State University, Jennifer Blaney Northern Arizona University, Daniel Blake University of Pennsylvania, Ann Gates The University of Texas at Dallas, General Electric Research DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mTalk | Computer Science Curricula 2023 (CS2023): Community Engagement by the ACM/IEEE-CS/AAAI Joint Task ForceGlobalHybridCC Special Sessions DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 25mPaper | GILP: An Interactive Tool for Visualizing the Simplex AlgorithmIn-Person Papers Henry Robbins Cornell University, Samuel Gutekunst Bucknell University, David Shmoys Cornell University, David Williamson Cornell University DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Measuring the Impact of a Computational Linear Algebra Course on Students' Exam Performance in a Subsequent Numerical Methods CourseIn-PersonGlobal Papers Hongxuan Chen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Matthew West University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Sascha Hilgenfeldt University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mariana Silva University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Students’ Perceptions on Engaging Database Domains and StructuresIn-PersonGlobal Papers Daphne Miedema Eindhoven University of Technology, Toni Taipalus University of Jyväskylä, Efthimia Aivaloglou Delft University of Technology DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 25mPaper | On Students' Usage of Tracing for Understanding CodeIn-Person Papers Mohammed Hassan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Improving Long Term Performance Using Visualized Scope Tracing: A 10-Year StudyIn-Person Papers DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Stream Your Exam to the Course Staff: Asynchronous Assessment via Student-Recorded Code Trace VideosIn-Person Papers Rachel S. Lim University of California San Diego, Joe Gibbs Politz University of California at San Diego, Mia Minnes UC San Diego DOI |
12:00 - 13:45 | |||
12:00 1h45mLunch | Lunch Logistics | ||
12:30 60mKeynote | 2023 SIGCSE Award for Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community Hybrid Keynotes Renée McCauley College of Charleston |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 25mPaper | Cyber Arena: An Open-Source Solution for Scalable Cybersecurity Labs in the CloudIn-Person Papers Philip Huff University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Sandra Leiterman University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Jan Springer University of Arkansas at Little Rock DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Psychometric Evaluation of the Cybersecurity Curriculum AssessmentIn-Person Papers Geoffrey Herman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Shan Huang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Peter Peterson University of Minnesota Duluth, Linda Oliva University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Enis Golaszewski University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Alan Sherman University of Maryland, Baltimore County DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 25mPaper | Challenges, Choice, & Change: Experiences and Reflections From the First Semester of a Technology and Human Futures CourseIn-Person Papers Briana Bettin Michigan Technological University DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Experiences Piloting a Diversity and Inclusion in Computing Innovations CourseIn-Person Papers DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Growing an Accessible and Inclusive Systems Design Course with PlantUMLIn-PersonGlobal Papers Sarah Carruthers Vancouver Island University, Amber Thomas Athabasca University, Liam Kaufman-Willis Vancouver Island University, Aaron Wang Vancouver Island University DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mOther | Beyond "Textbook Replacements" & Auto-Grading: Seamless, Individualized Learning Experiences Supporter Sessions |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mOther | Zero to coding in a single class session Supporter Sessions |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mOther | Data Modeling with Document Databases Supporter Sessions |
13:45 - 15:00 | Computer Science and MathematicsPapers at 713 Chair(s): Christopher Hundhausen Oregon State University, USA | ||
13:45 25mPaper | A Wolf in Lamb’s Clothing: Computer Science in a Mathematics CourseIn-Person Papers Michelle Friend University of Nebraska Omaha, Andrew Swift University of Nebraska at Omaha, Betty Love University of Nebraska at Omaha, Victor Winter University of Nebraska at Omaha DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Leveraging Computational Science Students' Coding Strengths for Mathematics LearningIn-Person Papers Sarah Castle Michigan State University DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Theoretical Computer Science Education from Impossibility and Undecidability Problems in PhysicsIn-PersonGlobal Papers Rafael del Vado Vírseda Universidad Complutense de Madrid DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 25mPaper | Instructor Perspectives on Prerequisite Courses in ComputingIn-Person Papers Sophia Krause-Levy University of California, San Diego, Adrian Salguero University of California, San Diego, Rachel S. Lim University of California San Diego, Hayden McTavish University of California San Diego, Jelena Trajkovic California State University Long Beach, Leo Porter University of California San Diego, William G. Griswold University of California San Diego DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | What is an Algorithms Course? Survey Results of Introductory Undergraduate Algorithms Courses in the U.S.In-Person Papers Michael Luu University of California, Irvine, Matthew Ferland University of Southern California, Varun Nagaraj Rao Princeton University, Arushi Arora University of California, Irvine, Randy Huynh University of California Irvine, Frederick Reiber Boston University, Jennifer Wong-Ma University of California, Irvine, Michael Shindler University of California, Irvine DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | What is your biggest pain point? An investigation of CS instructor obstacles, workarounds, and desiresIn-Person Papers Samim Mirhosseini North Carolina State University, Austin Z. Henley Microsoft, Chris Parnin North Carolina State University DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | AI/ML Literacy, Activities, and FairnessPapers at 715 Chair(s): Jill Westerlund University of Alabama | ||
13:45 25mPaper | Developing Machine Learning Algorithm Literacy with Novel Plugged and Unplugged ApproachesK12In-PersonGlobal Papers Ruizhe Ma University of Massachusetts Lowell, Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi University of Eastern Finland, Vaishali Mahipal University of Massachusetts Lowell, Joseph Gonzales University of Massachusetts Lowell, Fred Martin University of Massachusetts Lowell DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Make-a-Thon for Middle School AI EducatorsK12In-Person Papers Daniella Dipaola MIT Media Lab, Katherine S. Moore MIT, Safinah Ali MIT, Beatriz Perret MIT, Xiaofei Zhou University of Rochester, Helen Zhang Boston College, Irene Lee Massachusetts Institute of Technology DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Towards Machine Learning Fairness Education in a Natural Language Processing CourseK12In-Person Papers Samantha Dobesh Western Washington University, Tyler Miller Western Washington University, Pax Newman Western Washington University, Yudong Liu Western Washington University, Yasmine Elglaly Western Washington University DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mTalk | NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum on Parallel and Distributed Computing for Undergraduates - Version II – Big Data, Energy, and Distributed ComputingHybrid Special Sessions Sushil Prasad Georgia State University, Charles Weems University of Massachusetts, Alan Sussman University of Maryland, Anshul Gupta IBM, Trilce Estrada University of New Mexico, Ramachandran Vaidyanathan Louisiana State University, Sheikh Ghafoor Tennessee Tech University, Krishna Kant Temple University, Craig Stunkel IBM Research DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mPanel | It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time (“Let Me Help You with That” Edition)Hybrid Panels Dan Garcia UC Berkeley, Jim Huggins Kettering University, Lauren Bricker University of Washington, Adam Gaweda North Carolina State University, David J. Malan Harvard University, Joël Porquet-Lupine University of California, Davis, Kristin Stephens-Martinez Duke University DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mTalk | Engaging with Identity, Inclusion, & Intersectionality: Videos that Spark ConversationsHybridMSI Special Sessions Brianna Blaser University of Washington, Christopher Lynnly Hovey NCWIT | University of Colorado Boulder, Vidushi Ojha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones University of North Carolina Charlotte DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | K-12: Broadening Participation in ComputingPapers at 801A Chair(s): Sergio Gago-Masague University of California, Irvine | ||
13:45 25mPaper | CompSciConnect: A Multi-Year Summer Program to Broaden Participation in ComputingK12In-Person Papers Kristina Kramarczuk University of Maryland, College Park, David Weintrop University of Maryland, Jandelyn Plane University of Maryland, College Park / Ripon College, Kate Atchison University of Maryland, College Park, Charlotte Avery University of Maryland, College Park DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Confidence is the Key: Unlocking Predictive Factors of Latinx Elementary Students on a Computational Thinking MeasureK12In-PersonGlobal Papers Leiny Garcia University of California, Irvine, Miranda Parker San Diego State University, Santiago Ojeda-Ramirez University of California, Irvine, Mark Warschauer University of California, Irvine DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Describing Elementary Students’ Spheres of Influence in Scratch ‘About me’ ProjectsK12In-Person Papers Santiago Ojeda-Ramirez University of California, Irvine, Jennifer Tsan WestEd, Donna Eatinger University of Chicago, Sharin Jacob University of California, Irvine, Dana Saito-Stehberger University of California, Irvine, Diana Franklin University of Chicago, Mark Warschauer University of California, Irvine DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 25mPaper | Experiences Teaching Coral Before C++ in CS1In-Person Papers Frank Vahid UC Riverside / zyBooks, Kelly Downey UC Riverside, Lizbeth Areizaga University of California, Riverside, Ashley Pang UC Riverside DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Foundations First: Improving C’s Viability in Introductory Programming Courses with the Debugging C CompilerIn-PersonGlobal Papers Andrew Taylor University of New South Wales, Sydney, Jake Renzella University of New South Wales, Sydney, Alexandra Vassar University of New South Wales, Sydney DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Putting a Context in Context: Investigating the Context of Pencil Puzzles in Multiple Academic EnvironmentsIn-Person Papers Zack Butler Rochester Institute of Technology, Ivona Bezakova Rochester Institute of Technology, Angelina Brilliantova Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | EngageCSEduSister Sessions at 803 Chair(s): Michelle Craig University of Toronto, Briana B. Morrison University of Virginia | ||
13:45 13mTalk | AI: Connect Four Agent Sister Sessions Brian O'Neill Western New England University Link to publication | ||
13:58 12mTalk | AI: Informed Search to Navigate the Subway Sister Sessions Brian O'Neill Western New England University Link to publication | ||
14:10 15mTalk | Usability Observations of Everyday Things Sister Sessions Link to publication | ||
14:25 10mTalk | Using Affect-Aware Computing as a Theme for a User-Centered Design Course Sister Sessions Annuska Zolyomi University of Washington Link to publication | ||
14:35 10mTalk | Using Citizen Science as a Theme for a User-Centered Design Course Sister Sessions Annuska Zolyomi University of Washington Link to publication | ||
14:45 15mTalk | Interaction Metrics Projects for Human Computer Interaction Sister Sessions Link to publication |
15:00 - 15:45 | Coffee Break and Demos 2Demos / Logistics at Exhibit Hall G Chair(s): Bedour Alshaigy Uppsala University, Eric Fouh University of Pennsylvania | ||
15:00 45mDemonstration | RecursionVisualizer: Teaching Dynamic Programming With VisualizationsIn-PersonCCK12 Demos Ethan Turok Columbia University DOI | ||
15:00 45mDemonstration | Strype: Frame-based Python in the BrowserIn-PersonGlobalK12 Demos Neil Brown King's College London, Pierre Weill-Tessier King's College London, Michael Kölling King's College London DOI | ||
15:00 45mDemonstration | Source Academy: A Web-based Environment for Learning Programming with SICPIn-PersonGlobalK12 Demos Martin Henz National University of Singapore DOI | ||
15:00 45mOther | SIGCSE Coffee Break ShowHybrid Logistics | ||
15:00 45mCoffee break | Break Logistics |
15:45 - 17:00 | Integrating Ethics in Computing EducationPapers at 701A Chair(s): Karl Schmitt Trinity Christian College | ||
15:45 25mPaper | Developing Community Support for Computing Ethics Teaching AssistantsIn-Person Papers Robert MacDonald Georgia Tech, Cass Zegura University of California Irvine, Benjamin Shapiro Georgia State University, Jason Borenstein Georgia Tech, Ellen Zegura Georgia Institute of Technology DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Incorporating Ethics in Computing Courses: Barriers, Support, and Perspectives from EducatorsIn-Person Papers Jessie J. Smith University of Colorado, Boulder, Blakeley H. Payne University of Colorado, Boulder, Shamika Klassen University of Colorado, Boulder, Dylan Thomas Doyle University of Colorado, Boulder, Casey Fiesler University of Colorado Boulder DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | “This applies to the real world”: Student Perspectives on Integrating Ethics into a Computer Science AssignmentIn-Person Papers Julie Jarzemsky University of Colorado Boulder, Joshua Paup University of Colorado Boulder, Casey Fiesler University of Colorado Boulder DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mPaper | Executable Exams: Taxonomy, Implementation and ProspectsIn-PersonGlobal Papers Chris Bourke University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Yael Erez Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Orit Hazzan Technion—Israel Institute of Technology DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Studying The Impact Of Auto-Graders Giving Immediate Feedback In Programming AssignmentsIn-Person Papers Joydeep Mitra Stony Brook University DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | The Programming Exercise Markup Language: Towards Reducing the Effort Needed to Use Automated Grading ToolsIn-Person Papers DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mOther | Rephactor: The Online Textbook That You and Your Students Will Love Supporter Sessions |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mOther | NSF Merit Review and Grant Writing Supporter Sessions |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mPaper | A Social Threat Modeling Framework to Structure Teaching about Responsible ComputingIn-Person Papers DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Engagement Models in Education-Oriented H/FOSS ProjectsIn-Person Papers Grant Braught Dickinson College, Steven Huss-Lederman Open Energy Dashboard, Stoney Jackson Western New England University, Wes Turner Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Karl Wurst Worcester State University DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | Humanitarian applications increase interest and motivation of women in computingIn-Person Papers Lori Postner Nassau Community College, Gregory W. Hislop Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Heidi J.C. Ellis Western New England University, Springfield, MA, USA DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mPaper | A Climate-First Approach to Training Student Teaching AssistantsIn-Person Papers DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Teaching Assistant Training: An Adjustable Curriculum for Computing DisciplinesIn-Person Papers DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | Student Expectations of Tutors in Computing CoursesIn-Person Papers Rachel S. Lim University of California San Diego, Sophia Krause-Levy University of California, San Diego, Ismael Villegas Molina University of California San Diego, Leo Porter University of California San Diego DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mPaper | Putting Computing on the Table: Using Physical Games to Teach Computer ScienceK12In-Person Papers Jennifer Parham-Mocello Oregon State University, Martin Erwig Oregon State University, Margaret Niess Oregon State University, Jason Weber Oregon State University, Madalyn Smith Oregon State University, Garrett Berliner Oregon State University DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | BJC Sparks: A New Functional-First Middle School CS CurriculumK12In-Person Papers Dan Garcia UC Berkeley, Mary Fries EDC, Michael Ball UC Berkeley, Pamela Fox Microsoft, Deanna Gelosi University of Colorado Boulder, Lauren Mock University of California, Berkeley, Della Dastur Stratford San Jose Middle School, Dave Briccetti The Athenian School, Bob Kahn Brentwood School DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | Virtual Summer Camp for High School Students with Disabilities -- An Experience ReportK12In-Person Papers Wei Wang University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, Kathy Ewoldt The University of Texas at San Antonio, Mimi Xie The University of Texas at San Antonio, Alberto Mestas-Nunez The University of Texas at San Antonio, Sean Soderman The University of Texas at San Antonio, Jeffrey Wang Keystone School DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mTalk | Fostering Dispositions and Engaging Computing EducatorsK12Hybrid Special Sessions Mihaela Sabin University of New Hampshire, Natalie Kiesler DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Amruth N. Kumar Ramapo College of New Jersey, Bonnie MacKellar St John's University, Renée McCauley College of Charleston, Rajendra K. Raj Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), John Impagliazzo Hofstra University DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mPanel | Challenges and Successes in Writing BPC Plans for NSF Proposals: A Panel of Peers Discuss Their ApproachesHybrid Panels Wendy Dubow NCWIT, Dorian Arnold Emory University, Brittany Fasy Montana State University, Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto Penn State University DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mPanel | Creating Safe Spaces for Instructor Identity in ComputingGlobalHybrid Panels Oluwakemi Ola University of British Columbia, Victoria Chávez Northwestern University, Soohyun Liao University of California in San Diego, Joslenne Peña Macalester College, Lisa Zhang University of Toronto Mississauga DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mTalk | Discovering and quantifying misconceptions in formal methods using intelligent tutoring systemsIn-PersonGlobal Papers Marko Schmellenkamp Ruhr University Bochum, Alexandra Latys Ruhr University Bochum, Thomas Zeume Ruhr University Bochum DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Efficiency of Learning from Proof Blocks Versus Writing ProofsIn-Person Papers Seth Poulsen University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Yael Gertner University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Benjamin Cosman University of California at San Diego, USA, Matthew West University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Geoffrey Herman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | Using Context-Free Grammars to Scaffold and Automate Feedback in Precise Mathematical WritingIn-Person Papers Jason Xia University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | Detecting Plagiarism and AI Code GenerationPapers at 801B Chair(s): Lauren Bricker University of Washington | ||
15:45 25mPaper | Impact of Several Low-Effort Cheating-Reduction Methods in a CS1 ClassCCIn-Person Papers Frank Vahid UC Riverside / zyBooks, Kelly Downey UC Riverside, Ashley Pang UC Riverside, Chelsea Gordon Zybooks DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Plagiarism Deterrence in CS1 Through Keystroke DataCCIn-Person Papers Kaden Hart Utah State University, Chad Mano Utah State University, John Edwards Utah State University DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | Programming Is Hard - Or at Least It Used to Be: Educational Opportunities And Challenges of AI Code GenerationCCIn-Person Papers Brett Becker University College Dublin, Paul Denny The University of Auckland, James Finnie-Ansley The University of Auckland, Andrew Luxton-Reilly The University of Auckland, James Prather Abilene Christian University, Eddie Antonio Santos University College Dublin DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | Online Authors' Corner 2Papers at Online Authors' Corner Opportunity for attendees to connect with authors for interactive Q&A and discussion | ||
15:45 75mPaper | Evolving a Programming CS2 Course: A Decade-Long Experience ReportOnlineGlobal Papers Nasser Giacaman The University of Auckland, Partha Roop University of Auckland, Valerio Terragni University of Auckland DOI | ||
15:45 75mPaper | Case Study: Mapping an E-Voting Based Curriculum to CSEC2017 Papers Muwei Zheng University of California, Davis, Nathan Swearingen Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, Steven Mills Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, Croix Gyurek Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, Matt Bishop The University of California, Davis, Xukai Zou Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis DOI | ||
15:45 75mPaper | Teaching Site Reliability Engineering as a Computer Science ElectiveOnline Papers DOI | ||
15:45 75mPaper | Towards a Validated Self-Efficacy Scale for Data ManagementOnline Papers Wensheng Wu University of Southern California DOI | ||
15:45 75mPaper | A Summer Camp Experience to Engage Middle School Learners in AI through Conversational App DevelopmentK12In-Person Papers Gloria Ashiya Katuka University of Florida, Yvonika Auguste University of Florida, Yukyeong Song University of Florida, Xiaoyi Tian University of Florida, Amit Kumar University of Florida, Mehmet Celepkolu University of Florida, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer University of Florida, Joanne Barrett University of Florida, Maya Israel University of Florida, Tom McKlin The Findings Group DOI | ||
15:45 75mPaper | Attracting Adults to Computer Programming via Hip HopOnline Papers Douglas Lusa Krug Virginia Commonwealth University, Chrystalla Mouza University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, W. Monty Jones Virginia Commonwealth University, Taylor Barnett Virginia Commonwealth University, David C. Shepherd Virginia Commonwealth University DOI | ||
15:45 75mPaper | Assessing Peer Correction of SQL and NoSQL QueriesOnline Papers Wensheng Wu University of Southern California DOI | ||
15:45 75mPaper | Use of an Anti-Pattern in CS2: Sequential if Statements with Exclusive ConditionsOnline Papers Sara Nurollahian University of Utah, Matthew Hooper University of Utah, Adriana Salazar University of Utah, Eliane Wiese University of Utah DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Promoting K12 / University CollaborationIn-PersonK12 Birds of a Feather Kathryn Perry Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School, Burnt Hills, NY, Kinnis Gosha Morehouse College, Lien Diaz Constellations Center for Equity in Computing, Georgia Tech, Tiffany Barnes North Carolina State University, Mohsen Dorodchi University of North Carolina Charlotte DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Computing in Support of Disciplinary LearningIn-Person Birds of a Feather Devin Silvia Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering; Michigan State University, Marcos Caballero Michigan State University, Thomas Finzell Michigan State University, Rachel Frisbie Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering; Michigan State University, Patti Hamerski Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering; Michigan State University, Emily Bolger Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering; Michigan State University, Sarah Castle Michigan State University, Rachel Roca Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering; Michigan State University, Paige Tourangeau Michigan State University DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Graduate Students in CS Education Research: Continuing to Build a Multinational CommunityIn-Person Birds of a Feather Sophia Krause-Levy University of California, San Diego, Melissa Perez University of Michigan, Tamara Nelson-Fromm University of Michigan, Sangho Suh University of California, San Diego DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mOther | An Update on ABET Supporter Sessions |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Disability in Computer Science EducationIn-Person Birds of a Feather Richard Ladner University of Washington, Brianna Blaser University of Washington, Andreas Stefik University of Nevada at Las Vegas, USA, Amy Ko University of Washington DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Centering Environmental Justice in Computing EducationIn-Person Birds of a Feather Benjamin Xie Stanford University, Greg L Nelson University of Maine, Francisco Castro New York University and University of Massachusetts Amherst, Nicholas Lytle University of Florida, Briana Bettin Michigan Technological University DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Community Colleges Perspectives: From Challenges to Considerations in Curricula DevelopmentIn-PersonCC Birds of a Feather Christian Servin El Paso Community College, Elizabeth Hawthorne Rider University, Lori Postner Nassau Community College, Cara Tang Portland Community College, Cindy Tucker Bluegrass Community and Technical College DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Registered Reports and Preregistration: A new way to conduct researchIn-Person Birds of a Feather Neil Brown King's College London, David Weintrop University of Maryland, Vidushi Ojha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Kathleen Isenegger University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | To build or not to build: Quantifying the value of strategic implementation projects that do not reflect professional development practicesIn-Person Birds of a Feather Monica Anderson University of Alabama, Marisa Exter Purdue University, Michael Goldweber Xavier University, Titus Winters Google DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | The Purpose of ProofIn-Person Birds of a Feather Bruce Char Drexel University, Peter-Michael Osera Grinnell College, David G. Wonnacott Haverford College DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Ten Years of Snap! — Where Should We Go Next?In-Person Birds of a Feather DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Teaching Track Faculty in Computer Science In-Person Birds of a Feather Laney Strange Northeastern University, Melinda McDaniel Georgia Institute of Technology, Olga Glebova Georgia State University DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Competition and Gaming in a Computer Science CurriculumIn-Person Birds of a Feather James Lembke Milwaukee School of Engineering DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | BOF: Hispanics in ComputingIn-PersonGlobalMSI Birds of a Feather DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Where Story-Telling Meets Project-Based Learning: Incorporating Projects into CS CurriculumOnline Birds of a Feather Rodica Neamtu Worcester Polytechnic Institute DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | The Implications of Large Language Models for CS Teachers and StudentsOnlineGlobal Birds of a Feather Stephen MacNeil Temple University, Joanne Kim Temple University, Juho Leinonen The University of Auckland, Paul Denny The University of Auckland, Seth Bernstein Temple University, Brett Becker University College Dublin, Michel Wermelinger The Open University, Arto Hellas Aalto University, Andrew Tran Temple University, Sami Sarsa Aalto University, James Prather Abilene Christian University, Viraj Kumar Indian Institute of Science DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | How can we make online courses accessible to students and faculty with disabilities?Online Birds of a Feather DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Have You Tried Oral Exams in Your CS Class?Online Birds of a Feather Peter Ohmann College of St. Benedict / St. John's University, Ed Novak Franklin and Marshall College, Scott Reckinger University of Illinois Chicago, Shanon Reckinger University of Illinois at Chicago DOI |
17:30 - 18:20 | |||
17:30 50mMeeting | Community Input into CS2023 Addendum Article on Computing for Social Good EducationOnlineGlobal Birds of a Feather Heidi J.C. Ellis Western New England University, Springfield, MA, USA, Gregory W. Hislop Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Michael Goldweber Xavier University, Marcelo Pais Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Samuel A. Rebelsky Grinnell College, Janice Pearce Berea College, Neil Gordon University of Hull, Patti Ordonez University of Maryland, Baltimore County DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | BOF: Grading for Equity in Computer Science CoursesIn-Person Birds of a Feather Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones University of North Carolina Charlotte, David Largent Ball State University, Firas Moosvi University of British Columbia Okanagan, Christian Roberson Florida Southern College, Carlo Sgro Conestoga College, Giulia Toti University of British Columbia, Linda Wilson Texas Lutheran University DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | BOF: Organizing State-Level Efforts for K-12 AI EducationIn-PersonK12 Birds of a Feather Christina Gardner-McCune Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, David Touretzky Carnegie Mellon University, Bryan Cox Georgia Department of Edcuation, Charlotte Dungan The AI Education Project, Dianne O'Grady-Cunnif Maryland Center for Computing Education DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Computing Education Postdocs and Beyond: Building a Postdoc Space for Community and CollaborationIn-PersonGlobal Birds of a Feather Francisco Castro New York University and University of Massachusetts Amherst, Joseph Wilson American Institutes for Research, Jessica Vandenberg North Carolina State University, Juho Leinonen The University of Auckland, Miranda Parker San Diego State University DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Teaching Open Source: Successes and ChallengesIn-Person Birds of a Feather Gregory W. Hislop Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Darci Burdge Nassau Community College, Karl Wurst Worcester State University DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | A network for those who have moved into CS Education research from other fieldsIn-PersonGlobal Birds of a Feather DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Can We Build an Excellent Undergraduate TA Program? Challenges in the Hiring and Training Life-Cycle of a UTA ProgramIn-Person Birds of a Feather Melinda McDaniel Georgia Institute of Technology, Mary Hudachek-Buswell Georgia Institute of Technology, Fisayo Omojokun Georgia Institute of Technology DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Minority Serving Institutions and SIGCSEIn-PersonMSI Birds of a Feather DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Giving Back While Moving Forward: Sharing Strategies for Integrating Research and Action for Equity and Inclusion into Your Computing CareerIn-Person Birds of a Feather Amy Isvik North Carolina State University, Tiffany Barnes North Carolina State University, Jamie Payton Temple University DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | A Town Meeting: SIGCSE Committee on Expanding the Women-in-Computing Community In-Person Birds of a Feather DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Mobile Mixer: Exchanging Ideas for Mobile App Development CoursesIn-Person Birds of a Feather Martin Gagne Wheaton College DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Significant Trends in CS Educational Materials: Current and FutureIn-PersonCC Birds of a Feather Christian Servin El Paso Community College, Peter Brusilovsky University of Pittsburgh, Barbara Ericson University of Michigan, Cay Horstmann San Jose State University, Frank Vahid UC Riverside / zyBooks, Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Finding Neurodivergent Community in Computing EducationIn-Person Birds of a Feather Mara Kirdani-Ryan University of Washington DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Community Input for CS2023: Society, Ethics and ProfessionalismIn-PersonGlobal Birds of a Feather Brett Becker University College Dublin, Richard Blumenthal Regis University, Michael Goldweber Xavier University, James Prather Abilene Christian University, Susan Reiser UNC Asheville, Michelle Trim UMass Amherst, Titus Winters Google DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Building Student Excitement: Teaching Through User Experience OpportunitiesOnline Birds of a Feather Rachelle Hippler Baldwin Wallace University, Samuel Jaffee Google, Laura Leventhal The University of Findlay, Nathan Ward Tufts DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Strategic Initiatives in a Time of Rapid ChangeOnline Birds of a Feather DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Community Input and Engagement for CS2023: Foundations of Programming LanguagesOnline Birds of a Feather Michael Oudshoorn High Point University DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mMeeting | Birds of a Feather Who'd Like to Share Software Together: Teaching Tools that Improve Efficiency and OutcomesOnline Birds of a Feather DOI |
18:30 - 19:20 | |||
18:30 50mTalk | Equity-Focused Computer Science Education: Transforming Advanced Placement CS Classrooms for Students Historically Underrepresented in Computing Online Birds of a Feather Lien Diaz Constellations Center for Equity in Computing, Georgia Tech, Lakeisha Fuller Midtown High School, Atlanta Public Schools, David Guy Maynard H. Jackson High School, Atlanta Public Schools DOI |
19:30 - 21:30 | |||
Fri 17 MarDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
07:30 - 19:30 | |||
08:15 - 09:45 | |||
08:15 30mDay opening | Morning PlenaryHybrid Logistics | ||
08:45 60mKeynote | 2023 SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education Hybrid Keynotes Susan Rodger Duke University |
10:00 - 17:00 | SIGCSE Board Office HoursLogistics at 704 Members of the SIGCSE Board will be available to discuss issues with any member of the SIGCSE community. This is a drop-in time where community members are encouraged to come and bring issues facing the SIGCSE community directly to the board. Note that the board office hours are closed during lunch time. | ||
10:00 - 12:00 | In Person Posters 1Posters at Exhibit Hall G Chair(s): Meghan Allen University of British Columbia, Jennifer Campbell University of Toronto | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Why should we be integrating computer science into the elementary curriculum? computer science teachers' perceptions and practicesK12In-Person Posters Jiyoung Kim Indiana University, Yin-Chan Liao Georgia State University, Meize Guo University of Idaho, Mike Karlin California State University, Dominguez Hills, Anne Leftwich Indiana University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | The CS POGIL Activity Writing ProgramK12In-Person Posters Helen Hu Westminster College, Tricia Shepherd The POGIL Project, Clifton Kussmaul Green Mango Associates, LLC DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Towards Building Data Science 2Y: Data Science Curriculum for Two-Year ProgramsCCIn-Person Posters Christian Servin El Paso Community College, Markus Geissler Cosumnes River College, Koudjo Koumadi Prince George’s Community College, Pam Schmelz Ivy Tech Community College, Cara Tang Portland Community College, Cindy Tucker Bluegrass Community and Technical College DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Acknowledging Inequities in Tech through a Community-Engaged Learning courseIn-Person Posters Alark Joshi University of San Francisco, Sophie Engle University of San Francisco, Matthew Malensek Department of Computer Science, University of San Francisco, Chris Brooks University of San Francisco, Xornam Apedoe University of San Francisco, Star Moore University of San Francisco DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Data Science Landscape in Preservice Teacher EducationCCK12In-Person Posters Janice Mak Arizona State University, Jennifer Rosato College of St. Scholastica, Melissa Hosten The University of Arizona DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Investigating Subject Lines Length on Students' Email Open RatesGlobalIn-Person Posters Elexandra Tran University of Toronto, Angela Zavaleta Bernuy University of Toronto, Bogdan Simion University of Toronto Mississauga, Michael Liut University of Toronto Mississauga, Andrew Petersen University of Toronto, Joseph Jay Williams University of Toronto DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Designing a Visual Cryptography Curriculum for K-12 EducationK12In-Person Posters Pranathi Rayavaram University of Massachusetts Lowell, Ashwin Jagadeesha University of Massachusetts Lowell, Sashank Narain University of Massachusetts Lowell, Claire Seungeun Lee DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Finding and Categorizing COVID-19 Papers in CS EducationGlobalIn-Person Posters Brian Harrington University of Toronto Scarborough, Aditya Kulkarni University of Toronto Scarborough, Zixiao Ren University of Toronto Scarborough, Conroy Trinh University of Toronto Scarborough, Raha Gharadaghi University of Toronto Scarborough, Thezyrie Amarouche University of Toronto Scarborough, Ansh Aneel University of Toronto Scarborough, Anand Karki University of Toronto Scarborough, Seemin Syed University of Toronto Scarborough, David Yue University of Toronto Scarborough DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Detecting Cheating in Online Take-Home Exams with Randomized QuestionsGlobalIn-Person Posters Ruiwei Xiao Washington University in St. Louis, Eduardo Huerta-Mercado University of California, Berkeley, Dan Garcia UC Berkeley DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Programming Languages in Education: 50 Years of Evolution as Evidenced by LiteratureGlobalIn-Person Posters Jakub Swacha University of Szczecin DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Designing Voice Reflection for StudentsGlobalIn-Person Posters Xuening Wu University of Toronto, Eunchae Seong University of Toronto, Ananya Bhattacharjee University of Toronto, Dana Kulzhabayeva University of Toronto, Pan Chen , Joseph Jay Williams University of Toronto DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Gender Characteristics and Computational Thinking in ScratchGlobalCCK12In-Person Posters Rose Niousha Waseda University, Daisuke Saito Waseda University, Hironori Washizaki Waseda University, Yoshiaki Fukazawa Waseda University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | SynpleTest: Using Program Synthesis as a Teaching AidIn-Person Posters Alexa Hennen College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, Cameron Hahnfeldt College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, Grace Potter College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, Mengzhen Li University of Minnesota, Peter Ohmann College of St. Benedict / St. John's University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Exploring The Potential of Chatbots to Provide Mental Well-being Support for Computer Science StudentsGlobalIn-Person Posters Harsh Kumar University of Toronto, Kunzhi Yu University of Toronto, Andrew Chung University of Toronto, Jiakai Shi University of Toronto, Joseph Jay Williams University of Toronto DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Adding Diversity, Humanity, and Motivation to Programming Assignments with Easy-to-Create Cameo Appearance Videos In-Person Posters Madalene Spezialetti Trinity College DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Supporting Upper Elementary Students in Multidisciplinary Block-Based Narrative ProgrammingK12In-Person Posters Jessica Vandenberg North Carolina State University, Anisha Gupta North Carolina State University, Andy Smith North Carolina State University, Rasha Elsayed WestEd, Kimkinyona Fox WestEd, Aleata Hubbard Cheuoua WestEd, James Minogue NC State University, Kevin Oliver North Carolina State University, Cathy Ringstaff WestEd, Bradford Mott North Carolina State University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | iCAP: A Classroom Engagement Tool for Introductory Programming CoursesIn-Person Posters Guangming Xing Western Kentucky University, Zhonghang Xia Western Kentucky University, Tawfiq Salem Purdue University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Intro to CS for Educators: A Pre-Curricula PD WorkshopK12In-Person Posters Amanda Menier SageFox Consulting Group, Paula Moore Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Deborah Boisvert CSforMA, Alan Peterfreund SageFox Consulting Group, Stacey Sexton Sagefox Consulting Group, Jeffrey Xavier SageFox Consulting Group, Brianna Johnston SageFox Consulting Group DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Co-aligning User-Centered Design and Software Engineering Courses: A Case StudyGlobalIn-Person Posters Alena Suvorova HSE University, Ilya Musabirov University of Toronto, Denis Bulygin Delft University of Technology, Rustem Faidrakhmanov HSE University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Developing Comic-based Learning Toolkits for Teaching Computing to Elementary School LearnersGlobalK12In-Person Posters Francisco Castro New York University and University of Massachusetts Amherst, Jane E University of California, San Diego, Sangho Suh University of California, San Diego, Weena Naowaprateep Mahidol University, Thailand, Yang Shi North Carolina State University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Toward a Multidisciplinary Approach for Game Design and Development PedagogyIn-Person Posters Julio Bahamon UNC Charlotte DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | DoodleIt: A Beginner's Tool for Understanding Image RecognitionK12In-Person Posters Vaishali Mahipal University of Massachusetts Lowell, Srija Ghosh University of Massachusetts Lowell, Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi University of Eastern Finland, Ruizhe Ma University of Massachusetts Lowell, Joseph Gonzales University of Massachusetts Lowell, Fred Martin University of Massachusetts Lowell DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Virtual Exam Wrappers: A Pilot Study for Online ReplicationGlobalIn-Person Posters Abhivyakti Ahuja University of Toronto Scarborough, Varun Datta University of Toronto Scarborough, William Song University of Toronto Scarborough, Brian Harrington University of Toronto Scarborough DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | High School Socioeconomic Neighborhood Status and CS1 PerformanceK12In-Person Posters Jennifer Alexandra Thompson Virginia Tech, Margaret Ellis Virginia Tech, Sara Hooshangi Virginia Tech DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Teaching Advanced Algorithms in an Undergraduate CS course: a CGM Case StudyGlobalIn-Person Posters Ludek Kucera Charles University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | A Formative Assessment Literacy Module for K-12 Computer Science Teachers: Need, Design, and Teacher FeedbackK12In-Person Posters Shuchi Grover Looking Glass Ventures / Stanford University, Bryan Twarek Computer Science Teachers' Association DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Quantitative Results from a Study of Professional DispositionsIn-Person Posters Amruth N. Kumar Ramapo College of New Jersey, Renée McCauley College of Charleston, Bonnie MacKellar St John's University, Mihaela Sabin University of New Hampshire, Natalie Kiesler DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education, Rajendra K. Raj Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Adapting Between Parsons Problems and Coding TasksGlobalK12In-Person Posters DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Survey Says: CS Majors are Interested in K-12 Teaching CareersK12In-Person Posters Christine Liebe Colorado School of Mines, Deborah Kariuki University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Eryn Kelsey Colorado School of Mines DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | rvcodec.js: an educational converter for RISC-V instructionsIn-Person Posters Joël Porquet-Lupine University of California, Davis, Hikari Sakai University of California, Davis, Abhiroop Sohal University of California, Davis DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Exploring Error State in "Time-on-Task" Calculations at ScaleIn-Person Posters DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Exploring Students' Computational Problem-solving Approaches: Two Comparative Case StudiesIn-Person Posters Rachel Frisbie Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering; Michigan State University, Marcos Caballero Michigan State University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Incorporating the Concept of Bias and Fairness in Cybersecurity Curricular ModuleIn-Person Posters Sheikh Rabiul Islam University of Hartford, Ingrid Russell University of Hartford, Maanak Gupta Tennessee Tech University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | RAVIC: Runtime Analysis Visualizer for Introductory CoursesIn-Person Posters Georgiana Haldeman Colgate University, Mathelide Hou Colgate University, Kevin Han Colgate University, Ahmed Kamran Colgate University, Matthew Rojas Colgate University, Emma Pizer Colgate University DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Justice-centered programming in computer scienceIn-Person Posters Jenny Ye University of California, Berkeley, Collette Roberto University of California, Berkeley, Naomi Yonas University of California, Berkeley DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Pandemic impacts on assessment of undergraduate researchIn-Person Posters Cecilia O. Alm Rochester Institute of Technology, Rajesh Titung Rochester Institute of Technology, Reynold Bailey Rochester Institute of Technology DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Computational Thinking-Integrated Elementary Science with Culturally Responsive Teaching: A Vignette StudyCCK12In-Person Posters Yue Xin University of Maryland, College Park, Kristina Kramarczuk University of Maryland, College Park, Janice Mak Arizona State University, Ebony Terrell Shockley University of Maryland, College Park, Diane Ketelhut University of Maryland, College Park DOI | ||
10:00 2hPoster | Refining Co-Designed Professional Development to Support Culturally Relevant CS in Elementary ClassroomsGlobalK12In-Person Posters Sarah Lilly University of Virginia, Eric Bredder University of Virginia, Jennifer Chiu University of Virginia, Courtnee Austin Petersburg City Public Schools, Shanna Finklin Petersburg City Public Schools, Sheila Mosby Petersburg City Public Schools, Dwayne Ray Cormier Virginia Commonwealth University, Anita Crowder CODE Virginia DOI |
10:00 - 10:45 | Coffee Break and Demos 3Demos / Logistics at Exhibit Hall G Chair(s): Bedour Alshaigy Uppsala University, Eric Fouh University of Pennsylvania | ||
10:00 45mDemonstration | Computer-based Testing Facilities as a Means for Enabling Better Assessment PedagogyIn-Person Demos Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
10:00 45mDemonstration | Towards Connected Modern Teaching Machine: An Agile Adaptive Learning App to Customize Learning Materials and Assessments on the FlyIn-Person Demos Qiong Cheng University of North Carolina at Charlotte DOI | ||
10:00 45mDemonstration | Bug-eecha: A Gamified Approach to Programming Problem Comprehension and TestingIn-PersonGlobalK12 Demos Viraj Kumar Indian Institute of Science, Amrit M Joseph Indian Institute of Science, Soumyadeep Sarma Indian Institute of Science, Shelly Indian Institute of Science DOI | ||
10:00 45mOther | SIGCSE Coffee Break ShowHybrid Logistics | ||
10:00 45mCoffee break | Break Logistics |
10:00 - 17:00 | |||
10:45 - 12:00 | Understanding Programming Error MessagesPapers at 701A Chair(s): Christopher Moretti Princeton University, USA | ||
10:45 25mPaper | First Steps Towards Predicting the Readability of Programming Error MessagesIn-PersonGlobal Papers James Prather Abilene Christian University, Paul Denny The University of Auckland, Brett Becker University College Dublin, Robert Nix Oklahoma Christian University, Brent Reeves Abilene Christian University, Arisoa Randrianasolo Abilene Christian University, Garrett Powell Abilene Christian University DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Scaffolding Progress: How Structured Editors Shape Novice Errors When Transitioning from Blocks to TextIn-PersonGlobal Papers Majeed Kazemitabaar Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Viktar Chyhir Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, David Weintrop University of Maryland, Tovi Grossman University of Toronto DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Using Large Language Models to Enhance Programming Error MessagesIn-PersonGlobal Papers Juho Leinonen The University of Auckland, Arto Hellas Aalto University, Sami Sarsa Aalto University, Brent Reeves Abilene Christian University, Paul Denny The University of Auckland, James Prather Abilene Christian University, Brett Becker University College Dublin DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mOther | Broadening Engagement in CS through Games and Physical ComputingMSIK12 Supporter Sessions |
10:45 - 12:00 | SIGCSE Board Online Office HoursLogistics / Demos / Keynotes at 704 Members of the SIGCSE Board will be available to discuss issues with any member of the SIGCSE community. This is a drop-in time where community members are encouraged to come and bring issues facing the SIGCSE community directly to the board. | ||
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mOther | NSF Funding Opportunities Supporter Sessions |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 25mPaper | A Flexible Formative/Summative Grading System for Large CoursesIn-Person Papers Albert Lionelle Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Sudipto Ghosh Colorado State University, USA, Marcia Moraes Colorado State University, Tran Winick Colorado State University, Lindsey Nielsen Colorado State University DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Improving Student Motivation by UngradingIn-Person Papers Scott Spurlock Elon University DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Using Alternative Grading in a Non-Major Algorithms CourseIn-Person Papers Robbie Weber University of Washington DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 25mPaper | Integrating Ethics into Computer Science Education: Multi-, Inter-, and Transdisciplinary ApproachesCCIn-Person Papers Trystan S. Goetze Harvard University DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Is More Better When Embedding Ethics in CS Courses?CCIn-PersonGlobal Papers Diane Horton University of Toronto, David Liu University of Toronto, Sheila McIlraith University of Toronto, Nina Wang University of Toronto DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Piloting an Interactive Ethics and Responsible Computing Learning Environment in Undergraduate CS CoursesCCIn-Person Papers Francisco Castro New York University and University of Massachusetts Amherst, Sahitya Raipura University of Massachusetts Amherst and Columbia University, Heather Conboy University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Peter Haas University of Massachusetts Amherst, Leon Osterweil University of Massachusetts Amherst, Ivon Arroyo University of Massachusetts Amherst DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mTalk | SIGCSE Reads 2023: Cultural Connections through FictionHybrid Special Sessions Rebecca Bates Minnesota State University, Mankato, Judy Goldsmith University of Kentucky, Nanette Veilleux Simmons University, Valerie Summet Rollins College DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mPanel | Supporting the Integration of Social Justice Topics within K-12 Computing EducationK12Hybrid Panels Gayithri Jayathirtha University of Pennsylvania, Joanna Goode University of Oregon, USA, Nicki Washington Duke University, Shana V. White Kapor Center, Aman Yadav Michigan State University, Cecilé Sadler Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mTalk | Spiffy Peer Instruction QuestionsHybrid Special Sessions Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, David Bunde Knox College, Jaime Spacco Knox College, Cynthia Bailey Stanford University, Leo Porter University of California San Diego, Cynthia Taylor Oberlin College DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 25mPaper | Centering Minoritized Students’ Perspectives: What Makes CS Learning Consequential K12In-Person Papers Wei Wei University of California, Los Angeles, Jean Ryoo UCLA Computer Science Equity Project, Alicia Morris Los Angeles Unified School District DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Defining a “Computer Science Person” and the Pedagogical Practices Supporting Positive Identification for Minoritized YouthK12In-Person Papers DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | “I Can Do That Too”: Factors Influencing a Sense of Belonging for Females in High School Computer Science ClassroomsK12In-PersonGlobal Papers Jesse Moya Siena College, Robin Flatland Siena College, James Matthews Siena College, Pauline White Siena College, Stacey Hansen University at Albany, MaryAnne Egan Siena College DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 25mPaper | An Undergraduate Consortium for Addressing the Leaky Pipeline to Computing ResearchMSIIn-Person Papers DOI | ||
11:10 25mPaper | Empowering First-Year Computer Science Ph.D. Students to Create a Culture that Values Community and Mental HealthIn-PersonGlobal Papers DOI | ||
11:35 25mPaper | Research Experience for Graduate Students (REGS): The Evolution of Computing Education Projects and Creation of a Virtual CommunityIn-Person Papers Stephanie Lunn Florida International University, Maíra Marques Samary , Alan Peterfreund SageFox Consulting Group DOI |
10:45 - 12:00 | |||
10:45 75mOther | Welcome to SIGCAS - The other half of what it means to be a CS Educator.Global Sister Sessions Mikey Goldweber Xavier University, Rick Blumenthal Regis University, Johanna Blumenthal Regis University, Alison Clear EIT, Lisa Kaczmarczyk |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 25mPaper | Accurate Estimation of Time-on-Task While ProgrammingIn-Person Papers Kaden Hart Utah State University, Christopher Warren Utah State University, John Edwards Utah State University DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Providing a Choice of Time Trackers on Online AssessmentsIn-Person Papers Robbie Hott University of Virginia, Nada Basit University of Virginia, Ziyao Gao University of Virginia, Ella Truslow University of Virginia, Nour Goulmamine University of Virginia DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Understanding and Measuring Incremental Development in CS1In-Person Papers Anshul Shah University of California, San Diego, Michael Granado University of California, San Diego, Leo Porter University of California San Diego, William Griswold UC San Diego, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj University of California, San Diego DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | Collaborative and Peer-Led TeamworkPapers at 701B Chair(s): Bill Siever Washington University in St. Louis | ||
13:45 25mPaper | Teamwork in CS1: Student Learning and Experience with POGILCCIn-Person Papers Helen Hu Westminster College, Aman Yadav Michigan State University, Donna Gavin University of Wisconsin - Platteville, Clifton Kussmaul Green Mango Associates, LLC, Chris Mayfield James Madison University DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | An Authentic Peer-Led Team Learning Program for Community Colleges: A Recruitment, Retention, and Completion Instrument for Face-to-Face and Online ModalityCCIn-Person Papers Christian Servin El Paso Community College, Myshie Pagel El Paso Community College, Ernest Webb El Paso Community College DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Investigating Reflection in Undergraduate Software Development Teams: An Analysis of Online Chat TranscriptsCCIn-Person Papers Christopher Hundhausen Oregon State University, USA, Phillip Conrad University of California, Santa Barbara, Olusola Adesope Washington State University, Ahsun Tariq Oregon State University, Samir Sbai Washington State University, Andrew Lu University of California, Santa Barbara DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mOther | How Do We Redefine and Rebuild Capacity in Computing Education in the Post-COVID Educational Environment?K12 Supporter Sessions Carina Box Google, Allen Antoine The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA, Bryan Cox Georgia Department of Edcuation, Sarah Dunton , Jennifer Rosato College of St. Scholastica |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mOther | Programming Assignments that Fit Students Needs Supporter Sessions Will Hawkins University of Cincinnati |
13:45 - 15:00 | Assessing and Predicting Student PerformancePapers at 713 Chair(s): Rafa Absar Metro State University | ||
13:45 25mPaper | Identifying different student clusters in functional programming assignments: From quick learners to struggling studentsIn-PersonGlobal Papers Chuqin Geng McGill University, Wenwen Xu McGill University, Yingjie Xu McGill University, Brigitte Pientka McGill University, Xujie Si McGill University, Canada DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Investigating the Effects of Testing Frequency on Programming Performance and Students' BehaviorIn-Person Papers David H. Smith IV University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Chinny Emeka University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Max Fowler University of Illinois, Matthew West University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Ultra-Lightweight Early Prediction of At-Risk Students in CS1In-Person Papers Chelsea Gordon Zybooks, Stanley Zhao University of California, Riverside, Frank Vahid UC Riverside / zyBooks DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 25mPaper | How do Teaching Practices and Use of Software Features Relate to Computer Science Student Belonging in Synchronous Remote Learning Environments?In-Person Papers DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Moving a Bootcamp-Style Computer Science Programme Online: An Experience ReportIn-PersonGlobal Papers Andrew Meads University of Auckland, Yu-Cheng Tu The University of Auckland, Gill Dobbie The University of Auckland DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 25mPaper | It's Never too Early to Learn About Code Quality: A Longitudinal Study of Code Quality in First-year Computer Science StudentsIn-PersonGlobal Papers Linus Östlund KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Niklas Wicklund KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Richard Glassey KTH Royal Institute of Technology DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | Eastwood-Tidy: C Linting for Automated Code Style Assessment in Programming CoursesIn-Person Papers Rowan Hart Purdue University, Brian Hays Purdue University, Connor McMillin Purdue University, El Kindi Rezig Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Gustavo Rodriguez-Rivera Purdue University, Jeffrey Turkstra Purdue University DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Time-constrained Code Recall Tasks for Monitoring the Development of Programming PlansIn-PersonGlobal Papers DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mTalk | Microteaching: Ad-Hoc Networks, Binary Heaps, Variables in Hedy, Loops, Lists, and Data StorageHybrid Special Sessions Colleen M. Lewis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Christine Bassem Computer Science Department, Wellesley College, Jason Grant Villanova University, Felienne Hermans Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Angel Kuo Alhambra Unified School District, Arthur Lopez Sweetwater Union High School District, Beth Trushkowsky Harvey Mudd College DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mPanel | Equitable Grading Best PracticesHybrid Panels Dan Garcia UC Berkeley, Maria Camarena Maywood Center for Enriched Studies, Kevin Lin University of Washington, Seattle, Jill Westerlund University of Alabama DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 75mPanel | Who’s Cheating Whom? Changing the Narrative Around Academic MisconductGlobalHybrid Panels Brett Wortzman University of Washington, Kristin Stephens-Martinez Duke University, Mia Minnes UC San Diego, Oluwakemi Ola University of British Columbia, Adam Blank Caltech DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 25mPaper | Community-driven Course and Tool Development for CS1In-PersonGlobal Papers Boyd Anderson National University of Singapore, Martin Henz National University of Singapore, Kok-Lim Low National University of Singapore DOI | ||
14:10 25mPaper | How Do I Get People to Use My Ideas? Lessons from Successful Innovators in CS EducationIn-Person Papers Christopher Lynnly Hovey NCWIT | University of Colorado Boulder, David Bunde Knox College, Zack Butler Rochester Institute of Technology, Cynthia Taylor Oberlin College DOI | ||
14:35 25mPaper | Inter-institutional Resource Sharing in Undergraduate HPC Education: Interviews with University AdministratorsIn-Person Papers Abhimanyu Ghosh University of Wisconsin-Stout, William Kunkel University of Wisconsin-Madison, Anthony Varghese University of Wisconsin-River Falls, Ying Ma University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Rahul Gomes University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Sudeep Bhattacharyya University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Molly Mohr University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Isabella Doss University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Jordan Hebert University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire DOI |
13:45 - 15:00 | |||
13:45 25mTalk | Hybrid ECS: An Equity-Focused Credit Recovery Course Sister Sessions Mark Johnson The Learning Partnership, Gail Chapman Exploring Computer Science, Lucia Dettori DePaul University, Steven McGee The Learning Partnership, Kristen Peterson EDC, Andrew Rasmussen Chicago Public Schools | ||
14:10 25mTalk | Liberatory Computing Education for African American Students Sister Sessions Raechel Walker MIT Media Lab, Eman Sherif University of Washington, Cynthia Breazeal Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ||
14:35 25mTalk | Teachers as Curriculum Co-designers: Supporting Professional Learning and Curriculum Implementation in a CSforAll RPP Project Sister Sessions Lijun Ni University at Albany, SUNY, Gillian Bausch University at Albany, Bernardo Feliciano University of Massachusetts Lowell, Hsien-Yuan Hsu University of Massachusetts Lowell, Fred Martin University of Massachusetts Lowell |
13:45 - 15:00 | Online Authors' Corner 3Papers at Online Authors' Corner Opportunity for attendees to connect with authors and winner of the 2023 SIGCSE Award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education and Keynote Speaker Dr Susan Rodger for interactive Q&A and discussion | ||
13:45 75mPaper | Desired Qualifications Sought in Entry Level Software EngineersOnline Papers Sid Stamm Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology DOI | ||
13:45 75mPaper | CS-JEDI: Required DEI Education, by CS PhD Students, for CS PhD StudentsMSIIn-Person Papers Bailey Flanigan Carnegie Mellon University, Ananya Joshi Carnegie Mellon University, Sara McAllister Carnegie Mellon University, Catalina Vajiac Carnegie Mellon University DOI | ||
13:45 75mPaper | Mind the Gap: the Illusion of Skill Acquisition in Computational ThinkingOnline Papers DOI | ||
13:45 75mPaper | Experience Report on Using WeBWorK in Teaching Discrete MathematicsOnline Papers Lijuan Cao University of North Carolina Charlotte, Michael Grabchak University of North Carolina Charlotte DOI | ||
13:45 75mPaper | A Cloud-Based Technology for Conducting In-class Exercises in Data Science and Machine Learning CoursesOnline Papers DOI | ||
13:45 75mPaper | Generation of Code Tracing Problems From Open-Source CodeOnlineGlobal Papers Oleg Sychev Volgograd State Technical University, Artem Prokudin Volgograd State Technical University, Mikhail Denisov Volgograd State Technical University DOI |
15:00 - 15:45 | Coffee Break and Demos 4Demos / Logistics at Exhibit Hall G Chair(s): Bedour Alshaigy Uppsala University, Eric Fouh University of Pennsylvania | ||
15:00 45mDemonstration | Storyteller Demo: Guiding Students Through Code ExamplesIn-PersonK12 Demos Mark Mahoney Carthage College DOI | ||
15:00 45mDemonstration | Proof Buddy: A tool to aid students in proof constructionIn-Person Demos DOI | ||
15:00 45mDemonstration | Kits: Creating Repeatable Learning Experiences Using Real HFOSS ProjectsIn-PersonK12 Demos Stoney Jackson Western New England University, Karl Wurst Worcester State University, Grant Braught Dickinson College, Cam Macdonell MacEwan University DOI | ||
15:00 45mOther | SIGCSE Coffee Break ShowHybrid Logistics | ||
15:00 45mCoffee break | Break Logistics |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mPaper | Implementation and Evaluation of Technical Interview Preparation Activities in a Data Structures and Algorithms CourseIn-Person Papers Amanpreet Kapoor University of Florida, USA, Sajani Panchal University of Florida, Christina Gardner-McCune Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Prior Programming Experience: A Persistent Performance Gap in CS1 and CS2In-PersonGlobal Papers Giang Bui University of Toronto Mississauga, Naaz Sibia University of Toronto Mississauga, Angela Zavaleta Bernuy University of Toronto, Michael Liut University of Toronto Mississauga, Andrew Petersen University of Toronto DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | Replication and Expansion Study on Factors Influencing Student Performance in CS2In-Person Papers DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mPaper | Draw a Computing Student: Facilitating Semi-Structured Interviews Through DrawingK12In-PersonGlobal Papers Elliot Varoy The University of Auckland, Nasser Giacaman The University of Auckland, Andrew Luxton-Reilly The University of Auckland, Kerry Lee University of Auckland DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | How K-12 CS Teachers Conceptualize CS Ethics: Future Opportunities and Barriers to Ethics Integration in K-12 CSK12In-Person Papers DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | The Role of Spatial Orientation in Diagram Design for Computational Thinking Development in K-8 TeachersK12In-Person Papers Jean Salac University of Washington, Seattle, Donna Eatinger University of Chicago, Diana Franklin University of Chicago DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | SIGCSE Board Online Office HoursLogistics / Demos / Keynotes at 704 Members of the SIGCSE Board will be available to discuss issues with any member of the SIGCSE community. This is a drop-in time where community members are encouraged to come and bring issues facing the SIGCSE community directly to the board. | ||
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mOther | CS ed's future: Less cheating, common courses, and more Supporter Sessions |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mOther | Bringing Automation to your Classroom with GitHub Codespaces and ActionsK12 Supporter Sessions Ryan Hecht GitHub |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mPaper | Analysis of Novices’ Web-Based Help-Seeking Behavior While ProgrammingIn-Person Papers James Skripchuk North Carolina State University, Neil Bennett North Carolina State University, Jeffrey Zheng University of Pittsburgh, Eric Li North Carolina State University, Thomas Price North Carolina State University DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Using Near-Peer Interviews to Support English Language LearnersIn-PersonGlobal Papers Oluwakemi Ola University of British Columbia DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | What Drives Students to Office Hours: Individual Differences and SimilaritiesIn-Person Papers DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mPaper | Computing Specializations: Perceptions of AI and Cybersecurity Among CS StudentsIn-Person Papers Vidushi Ojha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Christopher Perdriau University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Brent Lagesse University of Washington Bothell, Colleen M. Lewis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Towards Finding the Missing Pieces to Teach Secure Programming Skills to StudentsIn-Person Papers Majed Almansoori University of Wisconsin-Madison, Jessica Lam University of California, San Diego, Elias Fang University of California, San Diego, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj University of California, San Diego, Rahul Chatterjee University of Wisconsin-Madison DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | Cybersecurity Education in the Age of AI: Integrating AI Learning into Cybersecurity High School CurriculaK12In-Person Papers Shuchi Grover Looking Glass Ventures / Stanford University, Brian Broll Vanderbilt University, Derek Babb University of Nebraska Omaha DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mPanel | Guide on the Side: School Leaders' Case Studies Facilitating Equitable Computer Science Education in CaliforniaK12Hybrid Panels Julie Flapan University of California, Los Angeles, Jean Ryoo UCLA Computer Science Equity Project, Roxana Hadad University of Los Angeles, California, Lauren Aranguren Santa Barbara County Education Office, Steve Kong Riverside Unified School District, Sophia Mendoza Los Angeles Unified School District DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mPanel | Building Capacity Among Black Computer Science EducatorsMSIK12Hybrid Panels Angelica Thompson, Allen Antoine The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA, Anita Debarlaben University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, Donald Saint-Germain University Heights Secondary School, Leon Tynes Xavier College Preparatory, Vanessa Jones Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 75mTalk | Social Dreaming Together – Envisioning Decolonised Computer Science EducationGlobalK12Hybrid Special Sessions Mawera Karetai Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi, Samuel Mann Otago Polytechnic, Dhammika (Dave) Guruge Otago Polytechnic, Alison Clear EIT, Sherlock A. Licorish University of Otago DOI |
15:45 - 17:00 | |||
15:45 25mPaper | Reflections of Cybersecurity Workshop for K-12 TeachersK12In-Person Papers Chad Mourning Ohio University, Harsha Chenji Ohio University, Allyson Hallman-Thrasher Ohio University, Savas Kaya Ohio University, Nasseef Abukamail Ohio University, David Juedes Ohio University, School of EECS, Avinash Karanth Ohio University DOI | ||
16:10 25mPaper | Measuring Teacher Growth Based on the CSTA K-12 Standards for CS TeachersK12In-Person Papers Monica McGill, Amanda Bell CSTA, Jake Baskin Computer Science Teachers Association, Anni Reinking, Monica Sweet University of California San Diego CREATE DOI | ||
16:35 25mPaper | K-12 Teacher Experiences from Online Professional Development for Teaching APCSAK12In-Person Papers Nicole Shanley The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones University of North Carolina Charlotte, Florence Martin North Carolina State University, David Pugalee The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Ellen Hart North Carolina Virtual Public School DOI |
17:10 - 18:00 | |||
17:10 50mMeeting | SIGCSE Business MeetingHybrid Logistics |
17:30 - 18:30 | |||
17:30 60mMeeting | Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) MeetingMSIGlobalIn-Person Affiliated Events |
18:00 - 20:00 | |||
18:00 2hSocial Event | Community College ReceptionCC Affiliated Events |
18:00 - 19:00 | |||
18:00 - 19:00 | |||
18:10 - 18:50 | |||
18:10 40mMeeting | Explore the Future of the Technical Symposium w/ the Steering CommitteeHybrid Logistics |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Departmental BPC Plans 1 – Getting Started: Selecting Goals and Activities for Broadening Participation in ComputingIn-Person Workshops Dorian Arnold Emory University, Tracy Camp Computing Research Association, Wendy Dubow NCWIT, Mary Hall University of Utah, Allyson Kennedy National Science Foundation, Colleen M. Lewis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones University of North Carolina Charlotte, Burcin Tamer Computing Research Association, Luther Tychonievich University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Building Engaging Assignments for YOUR ClassIn-Person Workshops Erik Saule The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Kalpathi Subramanian The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Jamie Payton Temple University DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | (CANCELED) Increase Your Statistical ConfidenceGlobalIn-Person Workshops Neil Brown King's College London DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hOther | Microsoft Friday Night Workshop: Microsoft MakeCode Playground!K12 Supporter Sessions |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Integrating Parallel and Distributed Computing in Early Computing ClassesIn-Person Workshops Sheikh Ghafoor Tennessee Tech University, Alan Sussman University of Maryland, Charles Weems University of Massachusetts, Ramachandran Vaidyanathan Louisiana State University, Sushil Prasad Georgia State University DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Teaching Responsible Computing in Context: Models, Practices, and ToolsIn-Person & Online Workshops Stacy Doore Colby College, Atri Rudra University at Buffalo, SUNY, Omowumi Ogunyemi Pan-Atlantic University, Trystan S. Goetze Harvard University, Mehran Sahami Stanford University and ACM Taskforce, Thomas Cortina Carnegie Mellon University and ACM Taskforce, Kiran Bhardwaj Phillips Academy, Andover, Crystal Lee MIT and Mozilla Foundation DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Free and Interactive Ebooks for Computing Courses with New Types of Parsons Problems and Support for Peer InstructionIn-Person Workshops DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Distributing, Collecting, and Autograding Assignments with GitHub ClassroomIn-Person Workshops Ryan Hecht GitHub, David J. Malan Harvard University, Rongxin Liu Harvard University, Carter Zenke Harvard University DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hOther | Game Night!In-Person Logistics |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Designing, Deploying, and Analyzing Adaptive Educational Field ExperimentsGlobalIn-Person & Online Workshops Joseph Jay Williams University of Toronto, Nathan Maniquez Laundry University of Guelph, Ilya Musabirov University of Toronto, Angela Zavaleta Bernuy University of Toronto, Michael Liut University of Toronto Mississauga DOI |
19:00 - 19:45 | Online Authors' Corner 4Papers at Online Authors' Corner Opportunity for attendees to connect with authors for interactive Q&A and discussion | ||
19:00 45mPaper | Exploring the Impact of Cognitive Awareness Scaffolding for Debugging in an Introductory Programming ClassOnline Papers Jiwon Lee California Polytechnic State University, Ayaan M. Kazerouni California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Christopher Siu California Polytechnic State University, Theresa Migler California Polytechnic State University DOI | ||
19:00 45mPaper | Detecting the Reasons for Program Decomposition in CS1 and Evaluating Their ImpactOnline Papers Charis Charitsis Stanford University, Chris Piech Stanford University, John C. Mitchell Stanford University DOI | ||
19:00 45mPaper | Integrating Accessibility in a Mobile App Development CourseOnline Papers Jaskaran Singh Bhatia BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus, Parthasarathy PD BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus, Snigdha Tiwari BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus, Dhruv Nagpal BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus, Swaroop Joshi BITS Pilani Goa campus DOI | ||
19:00 45mPaper | G is for Generalisation: Predicting Student Success from KeystrokesOnline Papers Zac Pullar-Strecker The University of Auckland, Filipe Dwan Pereira Federal University of Roraima, Paul Denny The University of Auckland, Andrew Luxton-Reilly The University of Auckland, Juho Leinonen The University of Auckland DOI | ||
19:00 45mPaper | Gaming together, coding together: Collaborative pathways to computational learningOnline Papers Brianna Dym University of Maine, Cole Rockwood University of Colorado Boulder, Casey Fiesler University of Colorado Boulder DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Peer Reviewing: Cultivating an Equitable and Inclusive Scholarly CommunityIn-Person & Online Workshops Rebecca Bates Minnesota State University, Mankato, Lisa Benson Clemson University, Monica McGill, Randi Sims Clemson University DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Automatically Generating CS Learning Materials with Large Language ModelsGlobalIn-Person & Online Workshops Stephen MacNeil Temple University, Andrew Tran Temple University, Juho Leinonen The University of Auckland, Joanne Kim Temple University, Paul Denny The University of Auckland, Arto Hellas Aalto University, Seth Bernstein Temple University, Sami Sarsa Aalto University DOI |
19:00 - 22:00 | |||
19:00 3hTutorial | Creating Algorithmically Generated Questions Using a Modern, Open-sourced, Online Platform: PrairieLearnGlobalIn-Person & Online Workshops Firas Moosvi University of British Columbia Okanagan, Dirk Eddelbuettel University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Steve Wolfman University of British Columbia, Fraida Fund New York University, Laura K. Alford University of Michigan, Jonatan Schroeder York University DOI |
Sat 18 MarDisplayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change
07:30 - 10:45 | |||
08:00 - 10:00 | |||
08:00 2hOther | CS Education Focus Group Opportunity with Microsoft Supporter Sessions |
08:30 - 09:45 | |||
08:30 25mPaper | A’s for All (as Time and Interest Allow)In-PersonGlobal Papers Dan Garcia UC Berkeley, Armando Fox UC Berkeley, Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Matthew West University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , Mariana Silva University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Neal Terrell CSU Long Beach, Solomon Russell El Camino College, Edwin Ambrosio El Camino College, Fuzail Shakir UC Berkeley DOI | ||
08:55 25mPaper | Mastery Learning with Specs Grading for Programming Courses In-Person Papers DOI | ||
09:20 25mPaper | Who Attempts Optional Practice Problems in a CS1 Course? Exploring Learner Agency to Foster Mastery LearningIn-Person Papers Ashish Aggarwal University of Florida, Neelima Puthanveetil University of Florida, Christina Gardner-McCune Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA DOI |
08:30 - 09:45 | |||
08:30 25mPaper | Do Intentions to Persist Predict Short-Term Computing Course Enrollments? A Scale Development, Validation, and Reliability AnalysisIn-Person Papers Rachel Harred NCSU, Tiffany Barnes North Carolina State University, Susan Fisk Kent State University, Bita Akram North Carolina State University, Thomas Price North Carolina State University, Spencer Yoder North Carolina State University DOI | ||
08:55 25mPaper | Goal-Congruity Theory Predicts Students’ Sense of Belonging in Computing Across Racial/Ethnic GroupsIn-Person Papers Kathleen Isenegger University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Kari George University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Paul Bruno University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Colleen M. Lewis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
09:20 25mPaper | Critical Pedagogy in Practice in the Computing ClassroomIn-PersonGlobal Papers DOI |
08:30 - 09:45 | CS Education: Looking Back and ForwardPapers at 713 Chair(s): Adam Gaweda North Carolina State University | ||
08:30 25mPaper | Artificial Intelligence Literacy Research Field: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1989 to 2021In-PersonGlobal Papers Kamilla Tenório Freie Universität Berlin, Viktoriya Olari Freie Universität Berlin, Margarita Chikobava German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Ralf Romeike Freie Universität Berlin DOI | ||
08:55 25mPaper | Computing Education Research as a Translational TransdisciplineIn-PersonGlobal Papers Evan Cole Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Yoshi Malaise Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Beat Signer Vrije Universiteit Brussel DOI | ||
09:20 25mPaper | Decolonising Computer Science Education - A Global PerspectiveK12In-PersonGlobal Papers Mawera Karetai Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi, Samuel Mann Otago Polytechnic, Dhammika (Dave) Guruge Otago Polytechnic, Sherlock A. Licorish University of Otago, Alison Clear EIT DOI |
08:30 - 09:45 | K-12 Collaboration and Perceptions of ComputingPapers at 714 Chair(s): Jennifer Rosato College of St. Scholastica | ||
08:30 25mPaper | Community Embedded Computing Education: Shaping Young People’s Perceptions of Self-confidence and Personal Expression with Computer Science in a Youth Boxing GymK12In-Person Papers Michael Lachney Michigan State University, Aman Yadav Michigan State University, Matt Drazin Michigan State University, Briana Green Michigan State University DOI | ||
08:55 25mPaper | Increasing School Counselor Awareness of Computer ScienceK12In-Person Papers Wendy Chi National Center for Women and Information Technology, Patricia Morreale Kean University, Jean Chu Kean Univeristy DOI | ||
09:20 25mPaper | Intertwined: Enhancing K-12 Pair Programming Engagement Using Real-Time Collaboration with TwineK12In-Person Papers DOI |
08:30 - 09:45 | |||
08:30 25mPaper | Alumni as Teachers and Mentors for CS 1 Students: Solving the Staffing Shortage and Students' Reflections about Career and College AdviceCCIn-Person Papers Tammy Vandegrift University of Portland DOI | ||
08:55 25mPaper | Storyteller: Guiding Students Through Code ExamplesCCIn-Person Papers Mark Mahoney Carthage College DOI | ||
09:20 25mPaper | Conversing with Copilot: Exploring Prompt Engineering for Solving CS1 Problems using Natural LanguageCCIn-PersonGlobal Papers Paul Denny The University of Auckland, Viraj Kumar Indian Institute of Science, Nasser Giacaman The University of Auckland DOI |
08:30 - 09:45 | |||
08:30 75mPanel | Trajectory of Hispanic Women Professionals: Challenges and StrategiesGlobalMSIHybrid Panels Adriana Alvarado Garcia IBM Research, Karla Badillo-Urquiola University of Notre Dame, Brianna Posadas Virginia Tech, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones University of North Carolina Charlotte DOI |
08:30 - 09:45 | Nifty AssignmentsNifty Assignments at 718A Chair(s): Nick Parlante Stanford University, Dave Reed Creighton University, Julie Zelenski Stanford University | ||
08:30 12mTalk | Islands of HexHybridK12Global Nifty Assignments Andrew Godbout University of Prince Edward Island DOI | ||
08:42 12mTalk | Mozart Musical Dice GameHybridK12 Nifty Assignments Kevin Wayne Princeton University DOI | ||
08:55 12mTalk | Nifty Assignments: Enigma Machine SimulatorHybridK12 Nifty Assignments DOI | ||
09:07 12mTalk | Nifty Assignments - Optical Illusions Using Loops and Nested LoopsHybridK12 Nifty Assignments Faan Tone Liu University of Denver DOI | ||
09:20 12mTalk | Project: Fatal Police ShootingsHybridK12 Nifty Assignments Melissa Lynn Gustavus Adolphus College DOI | ||
09:32 12mTalk | Rising Tides: A Literal Flood-FillHybridK12 Nifty Assignments Keith Schwarz Stanford University DOI |
08:30 - 09:45 | |||
08:30 75mPanel | A New Class of Teaching-Track Faculty: No Ph.D. RequiredHybrid Panels Kendra Walther University of Southern California, Adam Blank Caltech, Michael Ball UC Berkeley, Suraj Rampure Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, University of California, San Diego DOI |
08:30 - 09:45 | Quantum Computing Curriculum and CoursesPapers at 801B Chair(s): Daniel Cliburn University of the Pacific | ||
08:30 25mPaper | Qupcakery: A Puzzle Game that Introduces Quantum Gates to Young LearnersK12In-Person Papers Tianle Liu University of Chicago, David Gonzalez-Maldonado University of Chicago, Danielle Harlow University of California at Santa Barbara, Emily Edwards University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Diana Franklin University of Chicago DOI | ||
08:55 25mPaper | On the Design and Implementation of a Quantum Architectures Knowledge Unit for a CS CurriculumK12In-PersonGlobal Papers Dan-Adrian German Indiana University Bloomington, Marcelo Pias Federal University of Rio Grande, Qiao Xiang Xiamen University DOI | ||
09:20 25mPaper | Introduction to Quantum Computing for Everyone: Experience ReportK12In-Person Papers DOI |
08:30 - 09:45 | |||
08:30 25mTalk | Equity and Inclusion through UDL in K-6 Computer Science Education: Perspectives of Teachers and Instructional CoachesK12 Sister Sessions Maya Israel University of Florida, Brittany Kester University of Florida, Jessica Williams University of Florida, Meg Ray Cornell Tech Link to publication DOI | ||
08:55 25mTalk | Investigating K-12 computing education in four African countries (Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda)GlobalK12 Sister Sessions Ethel Tshukudu University of Glasgow, Sue Sentance Raspberry Pi Foundation, Oluwatoyin Adelakun University of Ibadan, Brenda Nyaringita GitLab Inc., Keith Quille TUDublin Ireland, Ziling Zhong Wheaton College Link to publication DOI |
08:30 - 10:30 | |||
09:45 - 10:30 | Coffee Break and Demos 5Logistics / Demos at Exhibit Hall G Chair(s): Bedour Alshaigy Uppsala University, Eric Fouh University of Pennsylvania | ||
09:45 45mCoffee break | Break Logistics | ||
09:45 45mDemonstration | Smartphones as a Platform for Hands-On Internet of Things EducationIn-PersonK12 Demos DOI | ||
09:45 45mDemonstration | The Audiovisual Labeled Emotion (ALE) Research PlatformIn-Person Demos David Cooper West Chester University of Pennsylvania DOI | ||
09:45 45mDemonstration | Snap! 8 — Smart Script Pics and Metaprogramming for All!In-PersonK12 Demos DOI | ||
09:45 45mOther | SIGCSE Coffee Break ShowHybrid Logistics |
10:30 - 12:00 | |||
10:30 30mDay closing | Closing RemarksHybrid Logistics | ||
11:00 60mKeynote | Dr. Nichole PinkardHybrid Keynotes |
12:00 - 13:30 | |||
12:00 - 13:30 | |||
12:00 90mLunch | Lunch Logistics |
12:30 - 13:30 | |||
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Peer Reviewing: Cultivating an Equitable and Inclusive Scholarly CommunityIn-Person & Online Workshops Rebecca Bates Minnesota State University, Mankato, Lisa Benson Clemson University, Monica McGill, Randi Sims Clemson University DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Scaling and Diversifying Undergraduate Research with the Early Research Scholars ProgramIn-Person Workshops Christine Alvarado University of California San Diego, Diba Mirza UC Santa Barbara, Neena Thota University of Massachusetts, Renata Revelo University of Illinois at Chicago DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Designing, Deploying, and Analyzing Adaptive Educational Field ExperimentsGlobalIn-Person & Online Workshops Joseph Jay Williams University of Toronto, Nathan Maniquez Laundry University of Guelph, Ilya Musabirov University of Toronto, Angela Zavaleta Bernuy University of Toronto, Michael Liut University of Toronto Mississauga DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Automatically Generating CS Learning Materials with Large Language ModelsGlobalIn-Person & Online Workshops Stephen MacNeil Temple University, Andrew Tran Temple University, Juho Leinonen The University of Auckland, Joanne Kim Temple University, Paul Denny The University of Auckland, Arto Hellas Aalto University, Seth Bernstein Temple University, Sami Sarsa Aalto University DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | A Workshop / Optimist's Guide to Finding Optimal Infrastructure for a Course in Full-Stack DevelopmentIn-Person Workshops DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Creating Algorithmically Generated Questions Using a Modern, Open-sourced, Online Platform: PrairieLearnGlobalIn-Person & Online Workshops Firas Moosvi University of British Columbia Okanagan, Dirk Eddelbuettel University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Craig Zilles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Steve Wolfman University of British Columbia, Fraida Fund New York University, Laura K. Alford University of Michigan, Jonatan Schroeder York University DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Departmental BPC Plans 2 – Finalizing your Plan: Context, Style, Formatting, and Verification on BPCnet.orgIn-Person Workshops Dorian Arnold Emory University, Tracy Camp Computing Research Association, Wendy Dubow NCWIT, Mary Hall University of Utah, Allyson Kennedy National Science Foundation, Colleen M. Lewis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones University of North Carolina Charlotte, Burcin Tamer Computing Research Association, Luther Tychonievich University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Helping Students Develop a Critical Eye with Refute QuestionsGlobalIn-Person Workshops DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Teaching Responsible Computing in Context: Models, Practices, and ToolsIn-Person & Online Workshops Stacy Doore Colby College, Atri Rudra University at Buffalo, SUNY, Omowumi Ogunyemi Pan-Atlantic University, Trystan S. Goetze Harvard University, Mehran Sahami Stanford University and ACM Taskforce, Thomas Cortina Carnegie Mellon University and ACM Taskforce, Kiran Bhardwaj Phillips Academy, Andover, Crystal Lee MIT and Mozilla Foundation DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Teaching Computer Science Ethics Using Science FictionOnline Workshops Emanuelle Burton College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Judy Goldsmith University of Kentucky, Nicholas Mattei Tulane University, Cory Siler University of Kentucky, Sara-Jo Swiatek University of Chicago DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Teaching Cybersecurity: Introducing the Security MindsetOnline Workshops Buffie Holley Albemarle High School, Dan Garcia UC Berkeley, Julia Bernd International Computer Science Institute DOI |
13:00 - 16:00 | |||
13:00 3hTutorial | Guiding Students to Discover CS Concepts and Develop Process Skills Using POGIL Online Workshops Olga Glebova Georgia State University, Kendra Walther University of Southern California, Clifton Kussmaul Green Mango Associates, LLC DOI |